Chapter 5 - Yashiro's New Feelings

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"You must be confused right? Well, I'm a spirit but not a normal spirit! I don't get stuck in the place where I died but I can surround the zone where I died, I can't walk too far from where I died otherwise I'll cut the bond of the place of my death and my soul will cease to exist" The little girl spoke calmly as she watched her expression change from scared and confused to just her normal face, but it was obvious to the little ghost that you were hiding your emotions so as not to look stupid. "Hm...ah" was the only thing you could say at the moment. Shaking his head and then lowering it in embarrassment.

The ghost girl just laughed at your embarrassment, only for you to lift your head looking annoyed and say "stop laughing, it's not funny!" (Y/N) said trying to sound like it would be more deep down she knew she was happy, happy to not be the person she was before and have friends who care about you.

You soon remembered Yashiro, she was taking too long. She is fine? Did the ghost take her soul? She died? Questions filled your mind as you panicked slightly, Amiko realized that and would question you if it weren't for you taking her by surprise. (Y/N) took Amiko's hand, not realizing that (Y/N)'s actions caused the girl to blush and her big green eyes widened, luckily you didn't notice.

Running through the halls of the gym without Amiko as the girl said she had things to do and that she would meet you later, you started going from door to door in each room looking for the radish, Going to the last door you were pretty sure that Yashiro was there, and you were not wrong! Opening the last door, in the first seconds that passed while (Y/N) opened the door, she soon regretted it. The moment she entered, Yashiro was falling down, isn't it normal? considering it's Yashiro it's totally normal but not if she was falling all over you


the two girls will fall to the ground, to tell the truth they both looked like a tomato. Time seemed to stop as the two of you stared at each other, both embarrassed. Yashiro rose from above you blushing while stammering apologies, but in the end you just gave her a cute smile and said you were worried, ignoring the looks of two ghosts.

(Y/N) and Yashiro walked together, the two embarrassed by what happened, turning around Yashiro realized that it would be at this stop that the two would separate and go to their homes.

"hm so see you tomorrow?" Yashiro told (Y/N) that she responded with a weak "yes", plus she was still embarrassed by what happened earlier today. So Yashiro went with a single thought in her head.

"what feeling is that? maybe..."

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