Chapter 26 - The Truth.

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Amiko was in a moment of weakness, Hanako had questions filling her head, Kou... Well, Kou was being Kou, Yashiro was still thinking things over slowly, Mitsuba was sad thinking about her best friend and trying to keep calm and you were tense.

You didn't know what emotions you were feeling, anger? no, you weren't mad at Amiko, you don't even know why she reported her location and this manipulation business. Sadness? maybe, you felt sad that Tsukasa almost killed Mitsuba but luckily Amiko saved him. Happiness or disgust? obviously not. Confusion? To be honest, I think everyone is confused, even you reading this must be confused (;

Hanako was the first to speak:

"Why did you do that? II can't understand!" Hanako spoke to Amiko, who was standing on her head with her hands covering her face, her shoulders shaking slightly.

Hanako didn't understand. Why was the person who created the plan himself the one who participated in it? Does Hanako really know Amiko that well? In fact, since Amiko died and became a high school mystery, she never spoke of her past or how she died. She always changed the subject. At first, everyone thought she just didn't comment because she didn't feel comfortable, but now he's sure that's not the only reason.

Now, Hanako is pretty sure she doesn't know her friend that well.

"Okay. I'll tell you. I won't comment on how this started or how, I'm sure someone else will do it for me ." Amiko said, sniffling a little and taking her hands away from her face.

The girl soon began to explain. From side to side:


When she was little, still alive, her life was not easy. Raised to be the perfect girl, but she never wanted that.

Many see wealth as the most important thing for life, except Amiko. She grew up to be a great model or owner of a great company, meaning she had a lot of money. With all that money she had the whole world in her hands, but she didn't care.

Money couldn't buy what she wanted. She wanted friends, real friends.

Amiko was passionate about finding someone who thought like her and didn't care how much money she had, and she found someone special. That special someone was called (Y/N). The two girls soon became friends, unfortunately after a great 3 years of friendship, they had to part ways.

(Y/N) was middle class and - according to Amiko's parents - they could never be together, so Amiko hid their friendship from you. Amiko was a great friend, but there was a problem, Amiko could never understand when her friend was sad or angry, and never noticed when any of her comments made you feel hurt.

It wasn't her fault anyway. The only people she lived with were her parents and employees, who were extremely strict and showed almost no emotion. Even the employees hated her, they thought she was that typical 'spoiled little girl', but it's exactly the opposite. Amiko just wants someone who understands and helps her and she found it, but fate is not so good.

When the two turned 12, that's when everything fell apart. Amiko's parents found out about Amiko and (Y/N)'s relationship, and soon after (Y/N) and Amiko got into a fight.

The fight between her and (Y/N) only started when (Y/N) decided to open up to Amiko, she couldn't take anymore how rude Amiko was to her. Then the two of them started a fight, Amiko apologized and you complained about how arrogant she was.

Amiko didn't understand why you were mad at her, wasn't she doing the right thing? She was never loved so she thought if she was honest and always told you the truth it would be ok.

But it wasn't.

"Y-If it continues like this, I won't be your friend anymore!"

Those words made the poor girl break down.

You were so special to Amiko, she didn't want to hurt you or hurt you but all she did was watch you walk away. This went on for months.

Amiko didn't want to do anything anymore, the only thing she would do is eat, sleep and cry.

Her parents didn't care, they even forced her to do activities like ballet, piano lessons and others, she did all of them but without the animation she used to do.

The girl was completely neutral.

It only shook her more when she found out you were moving out for health reasons. She knew her friend had an illness but she thought the illness would get worse when (Y/N) was at least 20 years old.

The doctors and the girl were totally wrong.

Amiko sat on one of the benches in the hospital where (Y/N) was hospitalized. The bank was cold, it was strange, she was already hospitalized but I would never wish her friend was too. The girl's hands gripped the seat where she was. Her parents came with her but were elsewhere, according to them, they just came to not be disrespectful and seen as 'arrogant'.

Amiko tried to pray, even though she didn't believe in god, she tried, but it didn't help.

"We're sorry to report this but... unfortunately your friend couldn't resist."

Again the girl lost someone.

This time she didn't cry, she just lowered her head, murmured a thank you and walked away. She didn't even realize that the tears will fall, she could only think of (Y/N), the only person she loved.

Each time she walked, she got closer to her destination, her school, it was one of the tallest buildings and there she would end everything.

She would take her own life.

No one was there to stop her and the girl was in the uniform, who would suspect? nobody really cared.

When the girl reached the top of the school, she looked down and thought about everything. Today would be the day she leaves and becomes a school mystery.

She just hoped to see you again to apologize.

"Sorry for being such a bad friend.


INVISIBLE... Various! Hanako - kun x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin