Chapter 12 - Friends.

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"It started to rain. Let's stay inside."

Mitsuba spoke now looking at Kou and (Y/N). You held your pity look for him, in a way you felt bad for Mituba. None of the people he thought were friends even remembered him made you want to be his friend.

The three of you started up a long ladder. "I... got bullied when I was in elementary school." Mitsuba started, Kou looked at him confused as to why they would bully Mitsuba. You weren't so confused, this has happened to you. It always actually happened. The people at your school were really cruel.

"Why?" Kou asked getting an almost obvious answer from Mitsuba.

"For me 'looking like a girl' or being 'convinced'. Stupid things like that" "Oh yeah."

"Could you help but agree?"

Mitsuba said annoyed with Kou for agreeing about him being more "effeminate" or "convinced" . Kou apologized.

"Well... Because of that, I wanted to start elementary II better. I kept my cool and acted friendly, so no one would think I was cocky. Naturally I got along well with everyone. And that's how I ended up. I'm a simple guy... that people don't really notice. I stopped being bullied, but I didn't make many friends. " Mitsuba said. You knew exactly how he feels. The feeling of being there but no one paying attention to you. The feeling of not feeling important, of being there but no one noticing or just ignoring it... you were used to it.

Lost in your thoughts. You didn't notice the two boys talking to each other. Mitsuba noticed this and called you for a while. Mitsuba - tired of calling you and having no answer - kept calling you and even started moving your shoulder soon releasing you from your state of "unconsciousness" (N/E: is that right?).

"H-Hm? Mitsuba..? what happened?" You said nervous and worried. In no time did you think you could just go "unconscious" and come back! luckily Mitsuba noticed you were "unconscious" and started trying to get you out of your "bad" moment.

"H-hm I noticed your state and got worried, I mean you seem to be quite close to Kou... Not that I care about him, but I don't want to h-hm... er-" Mitsuba was embarrassed as he went along. As he talked more, you decided to interrupt him as he looked quite embarrassed.

"It's okay. Besides, it's my fault for not realizing it haha. Let's have to catch up with Kou!" You spoke right away starting to climb the school stairs.

"And wait!" Mitsuba said grabbing his wrist.

"hmm?" (Y/N) looked at him as the wind blew through your hair, making it look like a romantic sight between two couples about to confess their love to each other. unfortunately this was not the case with the scene seen.

Mitsuba looked away and said, "If I were still alive... would you be my friend?" The boy said looking unsure, he looked up as the two made eye contact.

You smiled brightly with your eyes closed and said: "Of course I do! I don't care if you're alive or dead, your company makes me feel good. Even though I've only known you for a short time,

You seem like a great person!"

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