Chapter 13 - Past.

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"Guys calm down! we have a new student. Come on in dear."

You heard the sound of a woman's voice on the other side of the door. It would be a lie to say that the little girl was quite nervous. "I-I don't want to go... y- let's go..?" said the girl grabbing the leg of an adult next to her, the teacher just looked at you smiling and patted your head, and said: "Don't worry ok? I'm sure everyone will like you." The teacher said before she opened the door and lightly pushed you into the room.

Immediately all attention was on you. The teacher - who was previously informing the class of your arrival - looked at you and beckoned you to come over to her. "No need to be shy." "OK." the girl said starting to approach the teacher.

"H-Hello everyone, my name is (Y/N) . It-It's a pleasure to meet you." The girl - soon nicknamed (Y/N) - lowered her head in a sign of respect. The teacher looked pleased and told you to sit between two twin boys by the window. The girl obeyed the teacher and walked to the two chairs next to the boys. In silence, you sat up trying not to make eye contact. Which didn't help as the two boys kept their eyes on you.


You didn't even realize how fast time passed that it was already the break. You didn't care either, you were never able to socialize with anyone without mumbling or shaking and in the end people just walked away from you. even being 8 years old you already understood that bad people exist, so you weren't expected to walk away from people.

You sat on the school stairs hoping not to be tormented, but unfortunately that wasn't on the twins' minds.

You were quietly eating your lunch trying not to fill your mind with bad memories, so you were literally "clearing your mind". Distracted, you didn't notice footsteps approaching you and getting closer and closer.

Until you felt a hand on your shoulder, your soul left your body at that exact moment but luckily it returned. The girl looked quickly for the owner of her near death and found herself with only two identical people. You looked at the twins, completely confused.

" -" You said a little uncomfortable in that situation where they were both smiling at you. "You and (Y/N), right? I'm Amane Yugi and this is Tsuka Yugi my twin brother! It's a pleasure to meet you." One of the twins spoke. 'They look nice' You thought.

Unfortunately they would have many consequences in the future.

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