Chapter 10 - Mitsuba

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After what you said. Kou quickly turned to you and smiled, you on the other hand. shivered a little as he ended up grabbing her shoulders. 'he really has energy, a lot of energy' you thought referring to the boy having just left the classroom.

"(Y/N) it's you! I was looking for you" The boy said to you with a lot of enthusiasm, like a lot. You were a little uncomfortable with him grabbing your shoulders. (Y/N) never had so much physical contact considering she was alone... it felt weird though.

"AA really?" you said to Kou, who shook his head slightly. however he let go of her shoulders with a smile on his face and said

"Yes, come with me! I have something to show you." Kou told you and gently grabbed his hand. Even after you had been talking all day on the roof that day, you were already best friends! that was good.

You would respond to a boy with a typical 'sure, sure.' but Kou was so excited to show you what he wanted that he ended up running with you, which resulted in you tripping a few times.

Kou finally stopped at a ladder - resulting in you almost falling - and pointed to the big ladder. Which took you by surprise smiling.

" Are you alright?" Kou spoke looking at your panting state, that you just shook your head unable to speak. You were never really good at sports.

Realizing he pointed to the stairs you widened your eyes and said "KK-Kou - kun, are we going to have to climb that?!" you said looking at the boy as you sweated. Kou, noticing your desperation, looked at you and said "No, of course not! I'm pointing to the side. Let's go!" he said guided him to the side of the stairs.

You expected some animal or something like that, but this was completely different! 'K-KOU - KUN KIDNEW A STUDENT!' you thought as you looked at the poor guy Kou tied up with a rope. "As you can see I paid a-" Kou said smiling but soon he was cut off by you, "K - KOU - KUN IT'S WRONG TO TIE STUDENTS!" you said referring to the poor soul there on the floor, who just watched you.

"EHE, W-WHAT NO, NO, NO! I DIDN'T KIDD HIM." Kou retorted his statement and completed with "He's a ghost!" Kou said watching you try to find something to release the tied up guy. (Y/N) soon stopped what she was doing and said "aa really haha.. I was wrong, sorry" (Y/N) said, you didn't mean to sound rude! so she soon apologized. Kou just smiled, with that typical 'okay, it happens!' smile.

You looked at the tied boy, 'dammit! he looks so harmless!' Kou walked over to the boy and took the tape out of his mouth, the boy grumbled a little while Kou said "Thanks for waiting. Now tell me every regret you have! I'll take care of them all so you can follow!"

"tch... Shut up" The pink haired boy said making you and Kou confused. From what you understood Kou was going to get rid of the pink haired boy's regrets so he could go.

"Shut up, idiot with the traffic safety earring."

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