Chapter 22 - Number 3.

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You shivered slightly at the new voice, now known as Yashiro. The radish approached you and helped you up, which you thanked kindly as you got up.

Just as you stood up you could see Mitsuba's clear image but it looked like some parts of him were disappearing. You made eye contact and you could see details in her appearance: Mitsuba's appearance is androgynous. He is somewhat slender and relatively tall in school age, with pink hair and eyes. He has a mole under his left eye and has medium-length hair with bangs that cover his right eye, and the back of his hair is usually tied in a short, small ponytail with hair clips up. He also wears a piercing in his left ear.

Mitsuba wears a yellow scarf with light brown stripes and a pink long-sleeved sweater over her elementary school uniform - similar to Kou and Amiko's uniform -; his sleeve always covers his right hand.

However; just as his eyes met he looked away-with a slightly surprised look and a pink substance smeared across his cheek-.

"What do you do here?" Yashiro asked, confusion clear in her tone of voice, then the girl completed her sentence: "not that it's bad that you're here of course! I'm just curious hehe" she said nervously.

You nodded, showing that you had understood and started to explain the few things you remembered as; of waking up mysteriously in a room with people - two of whom you know and one you had no idea who he was -, after seeing your friends almost dying - obviously you didn't say they were dead only that they got hurt - and then of being pushed into a mirror.

"Could you talk more about the guy who pushed you into that mirror?" The pink haired boy spoke approaching you.

"Uh, sure..." you said as you started to describe him. "So he had unkempt dark brown hair and big amber eyes." You said making motions with your hands to better describe:

"His pupils always look constricted and he has two small fang-shaped teeth. He wears a white western shirt with a black kimono over it, a gray hakama, black shoes, red ankle-length socks and a hat, he looked like having two.. hm... how do i say..? ah! similar to two balls, they are black instead of white, and with red and blue circle markings." you said, looking confused on how to refer to his hakujodai. Soon after you talked about a black seal on your right cheek.

Then the boy's eyes widened.

-With Kou and Hanako-

Meanwhile, in the Science Prep Room, Hanako and Minamoto Kou try to convince Tsuchigomori to help them enter the frontier of Number 3 to rescue Nene and you - they suspect Tsukasa's distraction was so he can capture you and keep - la preda along with Nene - . Hanako pleads with Tsuchigomori that he would be responsible for any harm done to Nene and you, emphasizing that Yashiro is not only an assistant but also a good friend of his and that you are someone very important to Kou and he, he said you were " a great friend of Kou" and of him. In an attempt to trick the teacher, but failing due to Hanako talking about you a lot when they were together.

Tsuchigomori exhales and states that each of the Seven Wonders' boundaries has a special function. Your boundary contains school records. Number Two's role is space, and they can access almost any area of ​​the school through its confines. In confusion, Kou states that Nene had already destroyed the yorishiro from her limit when she took it out. Tsuchigomori rejects this idea and says that she just lost authority over her. The border still exists, but he can't say how functional it would be, as no one is there to oversee it. he disapproves of the idea of ​​involving her helping, stating that she doesn't mind whatever happens to her 'dirty' assistant.


She is interrupted by Hanako, who threatens to turn her into kitsune udon.

Yako - not wanting to turn into noodles - then agrees to comply.

Yako uses the stairs to teleport them to the border. The new frontier look surprised Hanako and Kou. The border has changed a lot since before, with the scenery getting brighter and covered in spider lilies. Yako tells the two to follow her and reminds them not to walk away. as they walk, Kou asks Yako for confirmation if the reason she attacked them was because her rumor had changed. Yako dismisses the issue and goes on to question Kou's motive for bringing up such unpleasant things. which made him question himself more and question her until she spoke. In the end, Hanako looking away from the subject and touching her seal.

After all the talking. Yako introduces the two to what appears to be a purple portal leading to the edge of Number Three. Kou describes the portal as a scary mirror, while Hanako plays with her finger in it. Yako states that part of her is over and she will not proceed. She states that they will have to work their way back on their own.

"Thanks, fox..AAH"

Kou thanks Yako, calling her a "fox", which prompts Yako to bite her head, reiterating to Kou that her name is Yako. After a pause, the two prepare and head to enter the portal.

-Coming back with you.-

After explaining to them what happened and how you got there. You asked Yashiro and Mitsuba if they know how to get out of here.

"Hm maybe we just need to break Yorishiro!" Yashiro replied and Mitsuba just gave him a look that said 'this is what I wanted to know' on how to get out of here.

"Yorishiro?" A person with the appearance and voice similar to her friend 'Aoi' appeared inside a mirror behind Yashiro. "Oh she's back!" Yashiro said.

"Do you want to go up there, ugly little radish? " she said pointing towards Yorishiro who is on the upper ceiling of the boundary. You gave her a dirty look for referring to Yashiro as 'Ugly Little Radish' but she didn't seem to notice and you didn't want to get into trouble either.

You don't like this version of Aoi at all.

Soon, The girl explains that to get to the stairs to Yorishiro, they need to go through the mirror, but the mirror is only for cute people, says Mirror Aoi. It looks like the prodigy would need to decide whether to let someone through to get to Yorishiro.

Suddenly, the room got darker and a bell could be heard across the border.

"You should know, ugly little radish." Aoi's mirror tells Nene that the world would be better off without someone with such fat ankles and that her life is worthless.

"Hey! Don't talk to Yashiro like that. Their legs are beautiful!" You yelled at the mirror which just sent a smirk at you.

she transforms into a bird-like entity, changing into a male voice in the process. Her face protrudes through the mirror, showing a bird mask with a right eye and a mark on her forehead. She possesses two disembodied human hands with long fingernails in this state, used for gesturing. Taking the three of you by surprise.

"I will take this place"

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