chapter two | introductions

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I'll start getting ready for my pets, tomorrow, because I'm way too tired for this right now.

It's times like this that I wish I had a friend or someone that I could tell that I want a pet. My dad won't think I should, just because he wants me to focus on the team now.

I groggily walk upstairs to my bed and plug my phone, MacBook, and Apple Watch in.

You could say that I have an obsession with apple.

I don't set an alarm for the morning because I don't have much to do tomorrow. I'm going to get ready to adopt a pet, but other than that I'm free.

I close my eyes, falling into a night of good rest. I never have dreams, but I also don't have nightmares so that's good.

"Mmm," I groan when I open my eyes, only knowing it's morning by the sunlight going through my curtains. I roll over and put my face on my pillow.

I pick up my phone and scroll through it. I don't know why I go on all of my social media because I don't have any notifications on any of them.

I shake my head and get out of bed. I put on a pair of tight jeans and a loose baby blue shirt that goes to the top of my jeans.

I put my hair into a low bun and tie up some white boots. I tie off my bun with a thin white ribbon.

I think they look better than hair ties and you can't tell that it's a ribbon unless you look closely.

I head down to the pet store. It was about a 25-minute drive from my house. I start to put any essentials into my cart. I get a leash, collar, dog food, dog treats, a few toys, a few tennis balls for them. I get a bunch of stuff including the necessities. Once I have everything I head to the front of the store to check out.

The total is almost 300 dollars, but it's worth it. I plan on getting a smaller dog. It doesn't necessarily have to be a puppy but still pretty young. Next, I head to the animal shelter to find a dog. I don't think that I will end up getting to bring it with me today but I can hopefully find one that I want to adopt.

"Hi," I smile at the woman sitting at the front desk. "How can I help you?" She questions me right away. "I'm looking for a dog to adopt," I say and she smiles and nods.

"Okay, let's head to where the dogs are. Are you looking for a specific breed?" She questions me.

"Not a specific breed. Preferably a smaller dog but it depends what you have." I say. If I ended up liking a bigger dog I could still adopt that one since my house is big enough and I have a yard.

"Okay. What about age?" She questions. I know most people won't adopt an older dog, with good reason, I would probably want a younger one too.

"I would say under five sounds good," I tell her and she nods.

"Okay, the first one we have like that would be this one. She's a chihuahua, she's 2 years old. Definitely one of the nicer dogs that we have here. Her name is Bella." She explains and I nod. "Hi, cutie," I coo, leaning down to pet here. "Aren't you adorable?" I continue and slowly move to sit next to her on the floor.

"I love her. She's so cute," I say and the girl nods. "She's been here for her entire life. If you are looking for a dog, like seriously, I would recommend her," The girl continues.

"I already love her. I've never adopted a dog before. How does this work?" I question and the lady immediately starts telling me.

"So I can come back for her tomorrow?" I excitedly question her.

Even if it's just a tiny dog I'm excited that she's going to be in the house with me. After I fill out some paperwork I head home so that I can get a workout in.

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