Not as down

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When I saw his name on my phone, I practically dropped everything and scrambled to grab it. I answered on the second ring.


There's a shuddering sigh. "Tim."

"A-are you alright?" I stutter. I glance out my window, wondering if I should come over. Raindrops tap against the glass, and wind makes them quickly slide down, eventually disappearing as they're flicked down to the window sill.

"I'm f-..." He starts to say, then stops. He sighs again. "Sorry."

"Don't be!" I swallow, standing up and brushing fur off my legs. Kiki licks her chops and watches me start to pace. "I shouldn't have said anything."

"It's not you," Sydney mumbles. I hear rustling, as if he's sliding under a pile of blankets. "I'm the one making a big deal out of it. I'm just stupid."

"You're not stupid."

"Yes I am."

I open my mouth, prepared to argue, but my brain finally registers something, and I shift gears.

"Syd," I say quietly. "Do you want a hug?"

"What?" He sounds like I caught him off-guard with my offer. "Now? But it's raining."

I tug on my Crocs, putting them in sport. I'm going over there, right now. "I know. Do you want a hug, yes or no?"

He hesitates. "Don't waste your time."

"Sydney," I tuck the phone under my cheek and tilt my head to one side, awkwardly pressing the phone to my shoulder as I pull on a hoodie. "I'm not wasting my time.*

"I just wanted to call you so I could tell you-" He starts to say, but I cut him off.

"Tell me when I get there," I say, finally kicking open the door and jogging down the stairs. "Now, last chance to make a decision- hug or no."

There's another beat of silence.

"Hug," He says eventually. I smile.

"On my way."

And then I click off, and tuck my phone into my pocket as I close the door behind me and take off down the sidewalk in the direction of Sydney's house.

I can fix this.


I skip to a stop in front of his door, panting heavily. I don't like cardio, so I don't do it often. I knock on the door.

I start squeezing out the water from my clothes, and soon there's a small puddle under my feet. I slide to the side so my Crocs don't get more flooded than they already are.

I wait for a minute or so, and then the door opens. Lina's worried face greets me.

"You here for Syd?" She asks. I nod. She lets me in. The wave of cold air hits my wet skin and makes me shiver.

"Is he upstairs?" I ask. She sighs, closing the door behind me.

"Hasn't left," Lina sits heavily on the couch. "Hasn't talked to anyone either."

"Thanks," I say. I climb the stairs, trip on the last one, and quickly regain my balance so I can stumble down the hall.

I hesitate outside Sydney's door. I hear only silence.

I place my hand on the knob, but before I can turn it the door swings open, revealing a disheveled-looking Sydney. He stares at me, and I stare right back, suddenly at a loss as for what to do.

Then he takes a step forward and leans his head on my chest.

I lift my arms and, suddenly very aware of how wet I still am, wrap them around him. He melts into me, and I can almost feel all his conflicting emotions swirling around inside him as he hugs me closer.

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