I'll hold you to it

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The walk is silent, but I don't think Sydney minds.

My mind keeps flashing back to the moment I saw Liam practically lunge at Sydney and pin him against the vending machine.

I had been planning to walk home with Sydney anyways, since it looked like whoever normally picked him up was late, but when I found him, that happened.

I honestly wasn't sure what I was expecting to do if Liam didn't back off, but I guess all my days of working out payed off, since I seemed like I was at least capable of going through with whatever threat I made.

Sydney kept trying to apologize at first, but I just shook my head and told him it wasn't his fault.

Now we walk side-by-side, him with my hoodie and his own (he got cold, and I have high tolerance for extreme temperatures) and some fingerless gloves he found on the bottom of his bag. His face is slightly pink from the cold, and I kinda want to boop his nose, but I refrain.

"This is my stop," he says, almost regretfully, as we approach a nice little white house. I see a couple lights on in the windows, but don't see any other activity. "Thanks for walking with me."

"Any time," I grin and open my arms for a hug, which he leans into without hesitation. I rest my chin on his head. "I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to walk with me before, but...ya know."

"Yeah," He nods and pulls away. He glances at his house, then me. "So, how far away are you?"

I chew my lip and study the street. "Probably about a fifteen minute walk."

"Oh, okay," He sucks on his cheek and takes a step back. "So...talk to you later?"

"Definitely," I agree, starting to walk in the direction of my house.

"And, uh," Sydney calls after me, and I pause, turning my head to look at him. His face flushes a bit pinker and he smiles. "Thanks."

I grin and bow theatrically. When I rise again, I nod. "I'll always be here for you."

Then I take off, because what the fuck? Why did I say that? That's embarrassing?

I think he says something else, but I don't hear it over my own footsteps.

By the time I get home, it's probably a little later than I promised Mom I'd be home by, so when I open the door, I'm prepared for the worst.

But when I kick my shoes off and step into the kitchen, where she stands by the counter, I'm surprised to be met with not a scolding, but a sigh of relief.

"Oh, you're back," She says, rushing over to hug me. When she pulls away, she sits on the barstool behind her and purses her lips.

"Sorry, something came up," I say, sliding into the barstool next to her. "Sydney was being harassed and I wanted to make sure he wasn't bothered on his way home-"

"Honey," She reaches out and touches my arm lightly with her cold fingers. "All I want is a text or call next time. I appreciate the heads up before, but an update every now and then would be nice."

"So..." I drop my hand and pet Loki's head as he sniffs my feet. "I'm not in trouble?"

She sighs again and looks down at Loki, who completely ignores her. "It's not that you're in trouble...it's that I feel like you're hiding something."

I stop petting Loki, much to his annoyance, and look at her.

"You've always been open about things before," Mom frowns, wringing her hands. "But now...you always have that cloudy look in your eyes. It makes me worried."

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