VOLUME 5 Chapter 6

Start from the beginning

"King Melakor, may I remind you that inside your very Nation lies the army that annihilated hundreds of thousands of soldiers on a singular day."

"Oh may, King Gareth, for someone with a big mouth, you haven't even done anything against the Labyrinths and Caves that're spewing Demons and Monsters en masse while your farmers and villagers suffer."

A familiar face reveals himself, though old and visibly aged, the man stood up proudly and with the bravado of a young and talented leader. Unaffected by his old age.

"Both of you. Silence. We're here to talk about the Outworlders and their plans."

"King James, if I may."

"Yes, Queen Gwenuivere."

"Please, call me Gwen."

"Of course."

"I second King Manuel's proposition. While they fight the Demon Continent, we shall unite all of our Conitnent's Heroes and prepare for the worst. The Thombs have long been said, as the time goes by, the more powerful the Evil forces become. This is the Fourth Reset, we can be assured that the Demon King's Armies would be coming straight from Underworld itself."

"The machines they have... they're effective but it seems that it all requires an extremely complex logistical line that I predict won't hold up against the Hordes of King Nergal."

King Gunther on the other hand is still skeptical about all this. Wearing his Red and blue Royal uniform with a shined Crown, he puts his hand on his chin.

"So we're basically gonna let them do the heavy carrying while we prepare our defenses? Are you sure about this King James?"

"Yes King Gunther. Hence why we've been letting them take from our lands. Let them build that army of theirs, it shall be the appetizer for the Demons of Hell. Ours is the Main Course."

"And what about the Sword Saint from the other world? Wasn't she seen working with the people from that Continent?"

"My Son knows her well. They've actually been working together for some time now. From the Letters I got, it seems like she's trying to stop them from waging this war early and delaying their efforts."

"Does she not know that it'll happen or is this the rumored foresight given to the Chosen Ones by the Gods?"

"It seems that she does, this might be due to the saying and the Legend that those chosen will give foresight into the future as you said, so that they lead the world into a better time. Even my Son has said he had dreams of machines and men dying ruthlessly as they hold the tide of a hundred million Demons."

"Heh, tell your Son to report from King Gunther to encourage them to build their army. The Outworlders are a worthy wall to stem the tide for a bit if true, but if we even survive these, those High Elves would just take over us! The Empire of Princeps Dryades is secretly building an army under our noses! It's all lies when they tell you they'll be sending all they got to help!"

Even with the King's terrible remarks about them, the representatives of the High Elves remained calm and kept looking down on the humans like trash. The Pope who has been on a stand on his own raises his Holy Staff.

"Kings and Queens of over thirty Kingdoms, may I remind you that these strangers from another world aren't planning on staying long. My Pastors have reported that they've been moving machines and those flying metal birds of theirs to an old ancient Portal near the territory of Arnst."

King Arnold then stood up, visibly annoyed.

"We've been trying to clear those rats off our territory but every Regiment we send explodes within Two Cessels! What kind of demonic magic is this?! Even the High Elves won't mess with them as they're using some sort of magic that's destroying everything we send to move those impolite dogs from an Ancient Heritage!"

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