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As the next few months pass, things have been better than before. Dave hasn't overstepped his boundaries with me, so we've been strictly coparenting. I was now 15 weeks and 3 days pregnant and when I tell you Antonio has been too happy about having another baby. I met the mothers of his children last week and we all get along just fine, it was definitely different but I loved him so I didn't mind. He has 2 kids, a son who was 11 and a daughter who was 7. Dave had recently started seeing someone he went to high school with and from what I heard she's really nice so I'm happy for him. And as far as me and Antonio goes we're good, but things haven't been the greatest in his life. We got the news the other day that Von had been shot outside of a nightclub in Atlanta and he passed away during surgery. And Antonio has been trying not to focus on it by working but I knew it was bothering him cause he was very irritable and he snapped a lot more. But he did try to maintain a happy spirit around me and the girls even though I knew he was hurting. And the way the news broke on the internet didn't make things any better, I was actually disgusted with how people went about things and how disrespectful people are to his loved ones and family. I reached out to check on Asian and since she had a house about an hour away from here I went to check on her. And the state she was in broke my heart, cause you could truly tell that she loved Von. She stated that she didn't know how she would get through this cause she's never been through it, and the way the internet comes for her is sad cause it's mostly black women. I was snapped out my thoughts by babe coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. I damn near jumped out of my skin, "You okay?" he asked looking at me carefully. "Yeah you just scared me that's all." I said turning to face him. I looked at his face, and my baby looked tired plus he smelt like alcohol. I sighed and removed his arms from around me and walked into the living room. "Ryan? What's wrong with you?" he asked following behind me. "Drinking isn't the way to deal with this Antonio!" I turned around upset cause he promised me that he wouldn't drink his life away. But here we are standing in my living room and he's drunk as hell. "You don't understand cause it isn't you! I'm not no little ass kid and how I choose to handle things isn't your business." he said rubbing his face clearly annoyed. "Is isn't my business? Really? Did you forget that we're engaged which means I HAVE EVERY FUCKING RIGHT TO BE IN YOUR BUSINESS. And you're right you aren't a little ass kid cause I don't have to raise my voice at my kids cause they listen the first time I say something. Actually I don't know why the fuck I'm even arguing with you right now, if you wanna throw your life away go ahead but I won't be here to watch you do it." I said walking past him upstairs to my room. I slammed my door and locked it, I sat on the bed and sighed, this would be the first time we've ever actually exchanged words and I know relationships aren't perfect but I just didn't know how to feel at the moment. I placed my hand on my stomach and sighed, I was excited to have another baby but I really didn't want his drinking to be a problem in our relationship. And I didn't want him to look at a bottle of Hennessy as an escape route, there was a light tap on the door. "Leave me alone." I mumbled. "Ryan baby, open the door please." he pleaded. I stood to my feet and opened the door, "Im sorry. I'll stop drinking cause I know how much it bothers you and makes you feel and I don't wanna lose my family because of it. Im sorry for raising my voice at you it was out of line cause all you're trying to do is help." he said looking at me. I bit down on my bottom lip before the tears came, "I just don't wanna see you throw your life away like this .. I know losing Von hurts you and I couldn't imagine putting myself in your shoes but we have a family now." I sobbing at this point and I knew it had to be these damn pregnancy hormones cause I wasn't usually this sensitive. He pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around me, "And I'm sorry for making you feel like my intentions were to hurt your feelings cause they weren't. I just never expected him to end up in the situation." I nodded cause he was finally opening up to me about how he felt, "It's okay to be hurt about it, but you just gotta move forward and do what you need to do cause the bigger picture is he had kids. And now these children have to grow up without their father, try reaching out to his family to see what ways you could help." I said comforting him while also trying to come up with a solution moving forward.


It was weird cause I saw that she genuinely loved me, and I was hurting her by my actions. So to see her show her emotions made me look at things from a different perspective. I went to take a shower, I was gonna try to sleep this feeling off or just try to sober up a bit. Ry said she was going to chill with her home girls, so I was gonna take that time to get myself together. Once she was ready I gave her my debit card and told her to enjoy herself on me, she tried to object but I told her I wasn't taking the card back. Once she kissed me goodbye I made sure she got in her car safely and I watched her pull off. I then headed straight to kitchen and poured out the Hennessy, shortly after I started cleaning up the house. It was the least I could do for my girl, my job was to make life stress free for her and I was going to do just that.


short but just a filler lol & I can't be the only one who still can't believe that King Von really gone ?😭but thoughts on this chapter ?

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