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I've been in LA for a few days and when I say that I'm stressed the fuck out. Dave had been doing all he could to help but at the same time he's been with Kairi and babysitting CJ as well. I haven't met up with Santana yet to discuss why my business isn't doing good here cause I know me. But I think today is the day I should have that conversation with him cause if I continued to ignore this, it would only get worse. I was now getting ready to go meet Santana and I wanted to be mature about it and just see how it goes but I do know that I don't want him running the store anymore. I just wasn't sure how he was gonna take the news, me making my decision didn't mean I didn't care about him or anything. It just means that we should just strictly be friends and keep the business away from that. He originally started off as an assistant who basically dropped orders off to the post office and printed a few labels, so it was mostly my fault for what's been going on.
I was now waiting in this diner, I had been here for about 5 minutes or so. I looked up and saw Santana coming towards me, I stood to my feet and embraced him into a hug. We spoke to each other and sat down, I didn't know where to begin so I started off with why was my store manager not present to open up the store and had a long ass line of people waiting outside? "Ryan I had so much going on that day, like my dog was sick that night so I took him to the vet the next morning." I held a blank expression on my face cause there literally is a store manager that didn't show up cause it was suppose to be her off day. I looked into what had been going on in the store over the last few weeks, and to say that those cameras don't lie is an understatement. There's been parties thrown inside the store, like full parties with Santana involved. I slowly nodded, "So what about the parties that's been thrown? Cause I don't think that's working or being productive." I said waiting for him to say something back. "Ry.." he went to say but I quickly cut him off, "Santana I started this business as a way to provide for me and my family. This is how I feed my kid, and you knew that. You've been here since the beginning and for you to be the most disrespectful person on my team is beyond me cause I really put faith in you when I let you run this store up here. But considering you've done more partying than anything I'm not gonna stop you from living your life but it won't be at Sorella, so with that being said you're fired." His jaw hit the floor, "Ryan let's talk about this.." I shook my head no cause the more I sat on this information the more pissed I got cause who the fuck tries to purposely sabotage their "friends" business?
"There's nothing we need to talk about, can you turn in your keys?" I said holding my hand out. He sighed and handed me the keys to the store, I stood to my feet and headed out to the rental car. I hit the locks and got in, I started the car so the AC can be on. I looked into changing the locks on the store, once I got off the phone with the people I called every employee to Sorella. It's about time they met the CEO of this business, once I made it there I waited on everyone to show up. I watched as everyone came in confused wondering what this meeting was about. A few people knew who I was I'm guessing from social media, "Good Evening guys, I'm sure you're wondering who I am and why you're here. I'm Ryan Brewster, the CEO of Sorella. I'm gonna give a little background on who I am and how Sorella came about. I'm originally from The Bronx, the idea of Sorella came when I was about 6 months pregnant with my daughter. I had my boyfriend at the time who is now my husband back me up and help me start it since he was already a successful business owner himself. When I opened Sorella I didn't expect it to be as successful as it is today, Santana was a dear friend of mine who was there from the beginning. But I wasn't aware up until recently on how business was being conducted. So with that being said Santana is no longer with us, I have been conducting interviews with someone who could potentially help you guys here." In walked a woman I had recently hired and she had a good ass resumè and verified all her references before I called her back. She came and introduced herself, "Hello my name is Amiyah Jones and Ryan recently hired me to keep an eye out for the store and make sure everything is running smoothly. Any questions or concerns feel free to ask.." she said. Once everybody nodded, we basically gave them the run down on how business is gonna be conducted from now on. I let them all know that if this is something they didn't agree with or didn't like they were free to walk out at any moment. Overall I was there for about 2 hours and once I finished I went back to my hotel, as soon as I made it to my room I laid down. I was completely drained and sleepy, I made a mental note to call Dave once I got up from my nap.

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