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As the next few days went by I really just sat around the house with Kai. She was out of school for the summer so my baby was gonna be with me. I didn't know where Dave and I stood in our relationship considering at this point all we do is have sex. Antonio reached out after I announced my pregnancy on social media, he was just congratulating me and hoped that we can meet up for lunch one day. Kairi was currently laying on my chest while I scrolled through social media, "mommy?" she called out. "Yes baby?" I said looking down at here. "When is my sister coming?" she asked poking my stomach. I chuckled, "she'll be here in 4 months." I felt her kick where Kai poked at, I grabbed her hand and placed it on my side and gently pressed down. She kicked again, and Kairi's eyes grew wide, I laughed at her reaction. There was a knock on the door, I stood to my feet and headed towards the front door. When I opened it, there stood Dave with a bouquet of flowers. "Hey love." he greeted embracing me into a hug. "Hey, are these for me?" I said with a smile. He handed one of the bouquets to me and the other to Kai. He placed his hands on my swollen stomach and smiled, "And how's my baby girl?"
"She's fine, I'm tired." I said with a sigh, he sat down on the couch and pulled me down on his lap. One of his hands rested on my hip while he held Kairi next to him. "I love y'all forreal." he said. "We love you too." I said as he kissed the side of my face.
I'm genuinely happy with my little family, whether if me and Dave are together or not I know I'll do what I need to do to provide for my daughters. Kairi got off the couch and went upstairs to get her iPad, I adjusted myself on his lap and I heard him grunt. "Come on Ry.." he said warning me. "I didn't do anything." I said with a chuckle. I guess cause all I had on was a sports bra and some shorts, he probably felt like I was teasing him. I was trying be completely comfortable since I was halfway through my pregnancy. My family was still pressuring me to have a baby shower but I wanted this whole pregnancy to be completely stress free. And just knowing how these family gatherings get I would rather avoid all drama, if you wanted to get Khari something by all means do that but I'm not doing the shower. "What else do we need for the baby?" Dave asked as I stood to my feet. "A car seat, that's it other than clothes and whatnot. My dad said he would come put up the crib and I'll hang the curtains up in her room." I was in the kitchen drinking a bottle of water. For me to only be 21 weeks this baby was heavy as hell, she was putting a strain on my back. I couldn't imagine how miserable I'd be by the time I was like 36 weeks, I started to feel slightly light headed and before I knew it I was going down.


I damn near fell trying to get over to Ry, I had been watching her and when I saw her start to go down I quickly ran towards her. I was holding her up, I had no idea what the hell was going on and it scared the shit outta me. I carried her over to the couch and called the ambulance, I called her mama and she met me over to get Kairi. I rode in the back of the ambulance with her while they were trying to see what was going on. "How far along is she?" the paramedics asked. "She's 21 weeks, what's going on?" I asked frantically. They didn't answer any of my questions, once we made it to the hospital and they checked her in I was waiting for an update. She had all the monitors wrapped around her stomach and an IV in her arm, the doctor came in with a clipboard. "So good news, Ms. Taylor is gonna be fine, the baby is doing great as well. The issue we're having is her blood pressure, it drastically dropped which caused her pass out." he said. "So how can we fix her blood pressure?" I asked concerned. "Less stress.. we're going to put her on bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy. If things don't go according to plans we might have to induce her and possibly perform a C-section." he said. I sighed cause this was just another thing for me to worry and stress about. About an hour or so went by and that's when Ry woke up, she held her head. "Why am I here?" she asked looking around. "You passed out in the kitchen.. the doctor said your blood pressure is low and they're putting you on bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy. And if the problem continues, they might have to induce you for a C-section." and I watched how her facial expression changed. "Is she okay?" she asked.


At this moment I was putting myself last, I was more worried about Khari. I didn't think that my blood pressure was this bad and I thought I was managing it well but clearly I was wrong. Then on top of that being put on bed rest? It was so much I had to do, but I also didn't wanna risk something happening to the baby. "She's fine and Kai is with your parents. The question is do you want me to stay at the house with y'all until to have the baby?" he asked. I didn't know if I wanted to share my space with him again considering we're not together then on top of that, we couldn't have sex because of the fact that I'm on bed rest. "Yeah, you can stay." I said with my eyes closed as I placed my hands on my stomach. A tear fell from my face, and Dave wiped it away. He hovered over me, and kissed me on my forehead. "Baby she's gonna be fine and so are you. We're gonna bring a beautiful healthy baby into this world." I held onto his arm and out of nowhere I started crying. "Ryan.. please don't work yourself up." he wiped my tears and pecked me on the lips. I tried to calm down before I made things worse. "I wanna go home." I said quietly. He nodded and buzzed the nurse, shortly after this short white woman came in. "Is there anything I can get for you?" she asked. "My discharge papers cause I wanna go home." I said. She nodded and called in another nurse to undo all these machines and she went to get my paperwork. I had them small ass shorts on and a sports bra so Dave gave me his hoodie to put on. I stood to my feet and slid on my slides, once I had the hoodie on and made sure I had my things I was ready to go.
The nurse brought me the paperwork to sign so once I signed it, I got ready to go. Dave walked behind me, he only did that cause my ass was hanging out of my shorts. We took an Uber home, and once we made it inside of my house I was about to take a shower. I took my time going up the stairs to the bathroom, I started the shower and stripped out of my clothes. I stepped in and stood under the water, I washed up and washed my hair. I heard the door open and I knew it was Dave coming in to sit in here. Once I rinsed off, I turned the water off and grabbed the towel. I attempted to wrap the towel around my body but this belly was not letting me be great. I had my body oils and cocoa butter laid out on the sink, I dried off and started oiling my body. Dave watched my every move, once I finished oiling my body and making sure I finished that I headed out the bathroom. I pulled out one of Dave's old shirts and slipped it on, then I put on a pair of his boxers. I went back in the bathroom and plugged in my blow dryer, once I dried my hair I left it alone. Dave was still watching my movements, "Damn yo shit fat." he said randomly. When he said that I turned in mirror to look and sure enough my ass was definitely fatter than before. I bent over and started shaking my ass, "Oh yeah you showin' out cause you know we can't do nothing." he said laughing. "Quit hatingggg.. I'm carrying a wagon in the front and the back." I joked. He laughed, "yo, you wildin'." He stood to his feet and came behind me acting as if he was hitting it from the back. I looked up and saw he was recording us, I laughed as he stopped. I enjoyed when we just joked around like this it made me feel like how we were when we first start dating in our early 20s. We both walked out the bathroom and I climbed in the bed, and sat there on my phone. He got in the bed next to me, and he laid his head in my lap. I started massaging his scalp as he laid there, he closed his eyes. He started dozing off and my leg was starting to go numb from his weight, "baby daddy, your heavy ass is making my legs go numb." he sat up and took his shirt off and stripped out of his clothes, he laid on his back and I got under him. I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped his arm around me, I threw my leg over him and got comfortable. He reached over and turned the light out, "I love you." he said kissing me. "I love you too." I said trying to deepen the kiss. Once he picked up on what I was trying to do, he chuckled, "Doctors orders baby." I groaned and closed my eyes.

5 chapters in less than 24 hours ? I'm too goated lmfaooo 👁👄👁

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