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As the next few weeks went by I became physically and mentally exhausted. It was so much I was trying to manage and I slowly felt myself starting to hate my life and not like anything. My parents feel like I have postpartum depression since it had only been 5 weeks since I've had the baby. Dave was still in jail and it was hard trying to be a mother, while also managing to be a partner to someone who's incarcerated. My family has been a huge help, even Queen and her family stepped in to help me with the girls. Her and her boys have been staying at the house just so I wouldn't be alone. Brooke has also tried to be there as much as she could but considering she had recently found out she was pregnant, I didn't wanna be a burden to her. I currently at the house with just Khari, Kai was with my parents for the weekend so I took this time to bond with my nugget. Later on today I was gonna go see Dave, he didn't want me to bring Kai cause he didn't want her to get familiar with him being there. Today was the first day I had a full nights rest so I look a lot better, I decided that I wasn't going to wear makeup cause all I did was cry when I seen my baby. I decided to wear this 2 piece set from Sorella with my hair in a half up half down style. My hair had grown so much during my pregnancy and I was absolutely in love with how thick and full it is. I had a few rings on that I knew I would have to take off once I made it there. Khari had been fed and bathed so all I had to do was pack her diaper bag and be on my way.

As time went by I became more nervous, I hadn't seen him in awhile due to my hectic life and him not wanting us to get use to seeing him in jail. Ive basically lost all my pregnancy weight other than like 7 pounds. I was ready to go so I made sure that all of our things were in the car and I locked the doors to the house as I carried the car seat. Once I had the baby securely strapped in we were on our way to visit daddy. The ride there was silent other than hearing Khari cooing in the back, once we made it and got checked in we waited for them to bring him out of the back. I had the baby in one of those mama-roo carriers instead of bringing that heavy ass car seat inside. When we heard the buzzer that's when the doors open and out of all the inmates my baby was the second to last one. When he laid eyes on me his face lit up, he grabbed the sides of my face and kissed me. "Hey baby." I said with a smile as he leaned down and kissed the baby on her head. "Hey beautiful, how are you holding up? you being strong for daddy?" he said placing his hands on my waist. I nodded my head yes, "it's just been hard without you." I said sounded like an emotional wreck. I heard him sigh, "I know bae, I know and I'm trying to hurry home to you and the girls." You could hear the pain and frustration laced in his voice. "I know babe, it's been a lot but we've had such a great support system for us during this time." I said holding his hand. "Ry they tryna give me 15 years for this shit." he said breaking the silence. The look on my face was priceless, cause 15 years??! We have kids, Kairi is only 5 and Khari hasn't even been around Dave like she should be. I felt my eyes start to water, but he quickly wiped my face. "I don't expect you to stick around all those years, that'll be selfish of me. You can't put your life on pause for me, the girls need to see their mama happy." From what it sounds like it sounds like he's breaking up with me, "Are you breaking up with me?" I asked with my eyebrows raised. The look on his face answered my question before his mouth did, I nodded my head slowly. "I understand." I said quietly. "Don't look at this in a negative way, I'm doing what I feel like is best for us." he said holding my hand. "So how am I gonna raise the girls by myself?" I asked. He sighed cause I'm sure he didn't have an answer, "Exactly." I said standing to my feet. "I'll continue to put money on your books and make sure you have commissary. I'll talk to you later." I said gathering my things. I came up beside him and placed a kiss on his lips, "I love you." was the last thing I said before I walked out. I was emotionally drained but I had no tears left to cry, once I made it to the car, I strapped Khari in her car seat and made sure she was okay. The ride home was silent, I wasn't sure how I felt about him breaking up with me or the fact that he might be there for 15 years or the fact that I'll be raising our kids alone. So many emotions and I didn't know where to start to pick up the pieces, I picked up my phone and called my mom. "Hey baby girl how'd the visit go? Did he spend time with Khari? Is he okay? How's he holding up?" she asked flooding me with questions. "It was uh okay I guess? He broke up with me saying that they're trying to give him 15 years and he doesn't want me to put my life on hold. He spent maybe 5 minutes with her before I decided to leave." I said focusing on the road.

It took me about an hour to get home and settled in with both of the kids. Everybody decided to give me my space once they heard the news with Dave, which I was grateful for. It was a little after 7pm, and I was in the middle of giving Kairi a bath, Khari was next but hers was gonna take longer so I did Kai's first. Once she was situated I got started on Khari's bath, it didn't take me 5 minutes to bath her cause she's still a baby and I didn't want her to get cold. I gave her a bottle and walked with her in my arms, I had to get started on dinner for me and Kai. I decided to keep it simple since it was getting late and we ended up eating some chicken alfredo with salmon and garlic bread. Once I got both kids down for the night, I cleaned up the mess I made in the kitchen and took this time to relax. I took a shower and chilled around in this robe. My phone went off indicating that I had a notification, it was an Instagram dm from the man himself, Antonio.
He was basically reaching out to check on me and see how I was since I recently had a baby, and that we should meet up for lunch whenever he's in town.
I agreed, cause truth be told he was an amazing boyfriend, I just wasn't over Dave completely at the time of our relationship. I decided to post pictures I took today since it had been awhile.

 I decided to post pictures I took today since it had been awhile

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@RyanDestiny : the 1

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@RyanDestiny : the 1.

The likes and comments started rolling in as soon as it was posted, but one comment stuck out.

@600Breezy : NEVER the 2❤️

I liked the comment, and decided to respond to his dm accepting his offer on lunch. I looked at the time and it was after 9pm, normally Dave would've called by now to tell Kai goodnight. I sighed and went upstairs, I checked on both kids before I went to my room. I climbed into the bed, and made sure the volume on the baby monitor was loud. I felt my eyes become heavy as I drifted off to sleep.

I'm so inconsistent with this book til it's ridiculous 🥴

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