"Long enough to see do air guitar solo from Bohemian rhapsody" Satoshi said.

"Lord Satoshi it's a honor to finally met you. I suppose you are here to get your chess pieces correct?" Ajuka asked

"Yes I am." Satoshi replied while Ajuka nodded his head and walking over to the table and picked up a box and  and walked over to Satoshi and handed him the box.

"Inside are your chess pieces I hope you like the color of them. I worked hard on them." Ajuka said.

" Ajuka said

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Satoshi's Pov

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Satoshi's Pov

I opened the box and and saw the cystal icy blue of my chess Pieces. They where so cool but I didn't know how they work so I asked Ajuka how do they work in which he replied saying for me to pick up the king piece  and hold it near my chest. I did as he told me as the king piece  glowed and flew into my body. I felt a rush of power serge through my body like a a raging ocean. I never felt anything like it in my life. The other pieces started glow as well and change but still kept their look shocking and surpirsing Ajuka.

"It can't be. Lord Satoshi do you know what this mean?" Ajuka asked in which I hadn't have the slightest clue.

"Not really." I replied

"Your pieces just became mutated ones. This is a first only one out of a thousand devil's possess Mutation Pieces." Ajuka said

"Well done Master Satoshi." Lu Ming said who had a smile on her face. I could tell she was happy that my pieces had become stronger.

"My baby you make me so proud just wait tell your sisters hear about this." Annabell said while hugging me tightly almost suffocating me to death like a doting mother.

"Thank you  mother, Lu Ming and same to you Ajuka for the pieces I will take good care of them." I said

"Oh no thank you my Lord Satoshi this will give me so much research to do." Ajuka said taking out a pad and Pencil and started to write down notes before going back to his work.

"Well then shall we get your first peerage member?" Annabell asked before the three of us left Ajuka's lab. 

"Oh I have something else for you as well." Annabell said

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