Author's Note

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I know,I'm late,really late,but I've been debating if I was gonna do one of these to finish this off. And as we can see,I ended up deciding it'd be best.

Anyway,I'm here for ideas and suggestions on book two which is currently undergoing construction. Leave some comments,send me some suggestions via private message,however you choose to do so,give me some suggestions.

I also would like some comments on the ending.

I can not reveal the plot until I publish the first chapter. And as a heads up ,book two will be called If Nothing...

So leave me some ideas and some comments.

By the way,did anyone watch Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D on Tuesday,have you seen the promos for Age of Ultron on Jimmy Kimmel,and do you all know about the whole 90 second clip that's gonna be shown on the MTV award in Robert Downey Jr's Honor for his achievment(recieving the generation award). I know mouth full ,but I've been busy all week trying to stay up on this stuff.

And also,what is it now,like 21 freaking days 'til Age of Ultron.

So,to summarize this ranting note,leave me some ideas and comments,and also let me know if you are currently in pain from the number of days there are(no strings on me) til Age of Ultron.

We're in this together.

~Love Romonaufeyson

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