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"Unauthorized movement in the lower hangar."

"The hell is that?"

The woman I've learned to call Skye leans over the desk squinting to see the two figure darting in and out of the shadows.

Bobbi sighs heavily."I'll go check it out. Probably just some more dumb ass kids."

Skye laughs lowly and sits back in the chair as Bobbi leaves the room."Soooo... Agent Romanoff and Captain Rogers."

Natasha watches the monitors while Skye speaks and I smile."What's up?"

"How long have you two been a... thing. You do know what that is right?"

"A couple?"

She nods.

Natasha looks over at me and throws her head back in laughter. The first time in a little while.

"Since France." I say.

"Oh,that's ironic. In the city of love."

"He's more romantic than he looks,Skye,"Natasha says.

"Captain Rogers? This guy?"

Natasha nods.

Gunshots sound from the hangar and on the monitor,Bobbi crashes to the ground.

I jump to my feet and rush down the armory ceasing my shield and run down to the hangar where shots are fired my way. I throw up the shield and take cover behind a wall.

Bobbi lays on the ground,unconcious,blood pooling around her.

"Long time no see 'Cap." He removes the mask and I drop my shield.

"You're dead."

He raises his gun."Not exactly."

I throw the shield and he jumps out of the way. It zips past him and burries itself in the wall.

He charges toward me,though I sling him backward into the wall. He slides on the smooth surfce,preventing himself from falling.

He shoots in my direction though I take cover behind cargo boxes.

I went to the armory. And grabbed my shield. I needed a gun. Greatest idea in the world!

Shots are fired but not my way.I peek over the cargo boxes to find Skye and Natasha."Grant,"Skye whispers.


Natasha fires a shot hitting ward in the stomach.

He falls to the ground,screaming in pain.

"Natasha look out!"

Dottie jumps down from the wing of the quinjet kicking away Natasha's crutch and sweeping her legs from beneath her. Natasha screams in agonizing pain as her back hits the ground.

Dottie shoots Skye twice and shoots my way. I duck back down behind the cargo boxes.

She jumps over the boxes,her boot slamming into my face. I fall to the ground,blood spilling from my mouth.

She snatches a knife from the sheath at her thigh and drives it down. I block her assault,kicking her back into the cargo boxes.

I slam my fist into her face and she falls to the ground with a frustrated grunt.

She slices my thigh,and I fall to my knees. She drives her elbow into my throat. I gasp for breath.

She gets up,with a laugh and pulls out a gun though something slams into the side of her face.

She yelps in pain."You."

Bucky and Peggy both aim their guns at her,and she smiles."Put your hands on your head you crazy bitch." Bucky calls.


She pulls the pin from the grenade and blows both Peggy and Bucky back into the wall behind them.

She scrmables for Ward lifting him from the ground. I struggle for breath.

Dottie and Ward scramble to board the quinjet.

I get to my feet and run after them as they begin to take off. I begin to jump,though I am tackled to the ground."Are you crazy?"Bucky hisses."If you fall you'll die."

"They're getting away."

"Let them get away. We'll get them. You can't go around making foolish and wreckless decisions like that."

I get up,dusting myself off and returning to the hangar where Peggy lay unconcious from the blow.

Bobbi is helped from the hangar by Hunter and Coulson helps Skye after them.

I rush to Natasha who is curled into a ball on the ground convulsing violently."Nat."

I kneel down ,laying my hand on her shoulder."Natasha it's me."

"It hurts,Steve." She whispers."It hurts."

"Ok,it's ok."

I assure her of this as I lift her off the ground.

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