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"Tony,this isn't what you want-"

"They found,Bruce,Steve! Why won't you just let me find him for the team?"

"Bruce is gone,Tony. Dead. There's nothing we can do to bring him back."
"Yelena said they found him."

"Tony she lied to you so that she could get you to drop the Midnight Oil your father created over Manhattan. You have to listen to me!"

"She would never do something like that-"

"Tony,don't make me do this!"

"Do what,Steve,"He hisses."Maybe you people are the enemy. You and Natasha. Peggy and Bucky. Why don't you want Bruce back? Is it because he scares you? The thought of having someone be a greater threat to you? Does that scare you?"


"I am finding him no matter what-"

"Stop it,Tony. I really don't want to do this."

"Do what? Shoot me down? If you shoot me down,we can never have Bruce back!"

"Tony,he's gone. He isn't coming back. Yelena killed Clint-"

"He wouldn't submit. He fought and fought."


"He would never have made it with the Hand and Yelena. He didn't listen."

"She's just gonna kill you after this. And then what,Tony. She's going to kill everyone else who was loyal to her. You don't have to do this. You don't have to-"

"Yes I do. Bruce was my best friend. And we let him down-"

"Tony,he forgives you-"

"You don't know that!"He yells."Don't tell me he does because you don't know. No one could possibly know what he wants or how he feels."

"He's dead!"

"Stop telling me that. He's not dead. I'm going to find him."

"He's not coming back!"

"Stop it!"

Shots are fired and I look down at the radar.Behind me are at least four different jets,and all four are firing at me.


"No,Steve,I have to do this."

The pain in his words,pierces my soul because I know what I'll have to do. There is not other way. They knew that and I knew that. I mouth a silent prayer and try and remember that he can make it through the crash. He might just be able to pull through.

He might be able to.

I curse as their bullets begin to penetrate the walls of the quinjet.

The fall to the ground of the cockpit and behind me.

I spot a building coming up on my left and manuever the plane toward it,the Hand jets following.

Just before I make contact,I pull up and send two of the jets crashing into the bulding. The quinjet scrapes against the concrete of the building,ripping some of the metal from the bottom. Two of the quinjets break from the formation and come around the side,fliying on both sides of me.

I let them fly ahead of me and I mauever the plane just behind the second jet and I shoot them out of they sky. The other falls back and shoots a missle at my right engine.It manages to take out my engine and I curse.

I take a deep breath and find my peace. My peace.

And I shoot the missle.

Tony's jet spins out of the sky and crashes down on the concrete. It explodes in an angry burst of flames,and I close me eyes and let the plane go.

Falling and falling out of the air until my plane has crashed into the concrete.

The fire engulfs the cockpit and I manage to crawl out from it,just as it explodes,propelling me out into the water.

I can only hope that the others are all okay.

I can only hope that Tony pulls out of this.

I can only hope Natasha forgives me.

I made her a promise that I did not keep.

And I let her down.

I let her down.

I let everyone down

And in some sick way the awful blue devil,is comforting.

As it fills my lungs and nostrils,it comforts me.

It consumes me.

I'm sorry Natasha.

I failed you and I am so sorry.

Without You I am Nothing...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora