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I jolt upright,the booming sounds of a jet engine sounding outside. I jump out of bed,rushing to the window where the jet hovers just outside Natasha's floor.

And they shoot a missle.

Brick and glass collapse on me,and I am burried beneath the debris.

Another explosion sounds,and then another,and another,and another,until it feels as if the entire tower is collapsing.

I make a tired attempt to crawl from beneath the debris. I gather my strength and crawl to the elevator that once existed.

My body screams in agony,though I ignore it and pull myself up on the wall.

The floor collapses from beneath me,and I know that the tower is in fact collapsing.

I jump on a grated bar above me,to avoid falling to Bruce's floor.

Debris from the floors above crash down,slicing open my face and smashing my fingers that try so hard to stay tightly wrapped around this bar.

A scream sounds above me and it is none other than Natasha's hoarse cry.

I pull myself up on the grated bar,and crawl onto what once was her floor. I cough as the thick smoke fills my lungs and I cough harshly through my raw throat."Nat!"I call hoarsely."Natasha can you hear me?"

"Steve!"She sounds far away.

"Natasha! Where are you-"

More debris falls from from above smashing a hole in the floor,and sending me falling back down to my own floor. My back slams against the uneven floor,slicing it open.

I scream in pain,as a PCV pipe pushes through my stomach. The tip is painted red with blood, and my vision blurs.

I have to save Natasha though.I have to.

I wrap my fingers around the pipe,breathing before I pull it from my stomach,screaming in pain as I do. I clutch my wound,applying pressure to it.

Something sounds from the floor beneath.

A roar I can only describe as rageous.

I curse to myself as Bruce's freakishly large figure stomps into my view.

He lets out another beast like roar and begins tearing his floor to pieces.

I have to get Natasha out of here.


I attempt again to jump the grated bar,using that to propel myself up onto her floor. I get to my feet,rocking from the ground shifting and sliding from beneath me.

Everything slides in a slant toward Natasha's window,and smashes through it,falling onto the street. I lose my footing,falling to the ground,sliding too.

I scratch frantically at the ground looking for anything to grab hold of,but there is nothing. I slam into a wall,the air knocked from me as my stomach collides with it. I can see the street below from my position.

I push up on my elbows with a grunt of effort, using the loose wires to climb back  up.

And I find her.

Burried beneath a full slab of cieling in which has collapsed on her.


She is barely concious,blood trickling from the wound on her temple and crushed beneath the cieling.

I move to lift the slab from her body though she yells for me to stop.She pleads frantically."No,no,no,no stop,stop."

"Natasha,Baby,I have to get this off of you so we can get you out of here."

"Steve I can't feel my legs."

"It's ok,Natasha. I want you to focus on me,not the pain,ok? I have to get this off of y-"

The tower rocks and I almsot fall,though I grab hold of the slab,hanging onto the that. Natasha cries out in agony pleading for me to stop. For this to stop.

I steady myself beside her.

Tony lands the suit just beside me."Nat," He removes the helmet of his suit,and kneels down beside me."We gotta get this off you."

"What about ,Bruce?"

"Thor and Clint are dealing with that.Right now we need to focus on her,Steve."

"Help me get this off her,"I say.

Tony nods.

"Ok,you gotta focus on me,Natasha.I'm going to count to three. Are you ready."

She nods,tears rolling down the side of her cheek."One,two," Tony and I lift,the veins bulging from my neck and head as both Tony and I make a huge effort to lift it off of her.

Tony keeps it lifted as I slide her from beneath the slab.She breaths hard and fast in an unnatural ragged pattern."I can't feel my legs,I can't feel my legs-"

"It's ok,Natasha. It's alright."

Tony drops the slab to the ground and stands beside me.

"How do we get out of here?"

"I'll fly her down and come back up to get you."

I am reluctant but eventually I decide that I am being foolish and I hand Natasha over to Tony,who tilts his head to me and flies her down to the sidewalk. There are a few injured civilians down there from the debris. Tony sets Natasha down there with them.

The floor collapses beneath my feet and I fall down to Bruce's floor. Thor and Clint are too engaged in Bruce to notice.

"We have to get out of here!" I yell to Thor and Clint.

Clint looks back at me,leaving Thor to battle The Hulk."We can't leave him here!"

"We-" I know we have to leave Bruce.It's the only way any of us are going to make it out of this alive. I know Bruce can't be reasoned with.He has to be defeated. And the tower is coming down. We don't have time to defeat him. "We have to leave him."

"He'll die!"

More of the tower above crumbles and crashes down ontop of me.

I lay here for a moment as the world goes black.

Clint's voice echoes in my ears and as the world fades into view,I see that Bruce has been burried too.

Clint helps me up and Thor flies both he and I down to the concrete where police have now lined the streets,and civilians have crowded,where ambulances are. Where news crews film the destruction of the beloved Avengers Tower.

Our home.

Our refuge.

Taken from us by Leviathan.


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