Fierrochase - The First I Love You

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Ok hi welcome back and everything so I found a headcanon on another story here on Wattpad, It was really cute so I decided to write a story about it. The book is FierroChase fluff, by _ursoprettyithurts_ (which is why i'm dedicating it to them) so check it out cause it's good and theres some really great stuff in there

Apparently this book is now #17 is Brason already so... WOW :D

Yes this is something else I wrote at an ungodly hour of the morning, hope you enjoy :)

Magnus' POV

5 months. It had been 5 months since I had flyted Loki, since we had spoken with the gods in Vigridr. 5 months since Alex had come into my room, me dripping chocolate on my carpet, for him to call me pretty, then kiss me. 

4 months since The Chase Space had opened. And we had held hands on the roof deck.

3 months since Alex and I had started dating, without telling anyone.

2 months since Alex and I told the rest of Floor 19, + Sam, Amir, Blitz and Hearth, even though they said they all knew already.

1 month since Alex and I had become more publicly affectionate towards each other, not hiding from the world.

It had also been 1 month since I realized something. Something big. Something that might make Alex break up with me if she didn't feel the same.

I loved Alex. With all my heart. But I wasn't sure she liked-liked me, or if she really loved me, the way I loved her, so much that it hurt to be separated, that I missed her even if we had only been separated for a minute or two.

Every time I saw Alex, I wanted to tell her. I wanted to yell it, right on top of the Bifrost (because it's the rainbow bridge for a reason) so the whole world would know how I felt. But I never could tell her.


1 Week Later

Today was a good day. 

Sure, I had died really early on in the morning battles, but these crazy vikings loved killing the healer first. Jack, being the ever so amazhang (no I don't know what that means) magic sword he is, stayed back as I died, protecting the rest of Floor 19. Until he got splattered with the littlest bit of dirt, and started flying around, screeching at the top of his non-existent lungs. He killed TJ and a few other einherjar doing that. 

Lucky for me, I had revived early, even for me. I got out of bed and was about to walk out of my suite to go see who had survived the battle, or if anyone had at least revived yet, when I noticed Alex, sitting on my couch reading a book from my bookshelf. He had a small stack of books next to him. 

As I was walking to him, Alex, not even turning to face me, said, "Welcome back, Maggie."

He leisurely flipped the page of his book.

For some reason, Alex not looking at me, not even seeming very interested in the book made me angry. Like, skipping-falafel-because-i'm-too-mad-to-eat angry. I stomped grumpily over to Alex, pushed the stack of books away from him, and flopped down in the now-empty space. I nestled into his side and immediately felt better. "Hi, Alex" I muttered, barely louder than a whisper. I felt really tired, although I had just woken up. 

Alex rested one arm on the back of the couch and started gently stroking my hair, playing with it and occasionally twirling some around his finger. Before long, I had drifted back into a deep sleep.

Apparently, I wasn't in a deep enough sleep. I was still dreaming. But it wasn't the weird demigodly dreams I usually had, they were just regular dreams a mortal might have. 


It was a warm summer's afternoon. Alex and I were having a picnic in a field I had never seen before, no buildings as far as the eye could see. I had Jack in pendant form around my neck, and for once he wasn't humming Taylor Swift. Or Shakira. (Jack's Shakira phase was horrible. Just imagine a glowing longsword, trying to shake his non-existent hips to "Hips don't lie". Terrifiying.) Or anyone else really. He just sat there, being inanminate. Alex and I stayed in that field for what felt like hours. We talked, he'd kissed me a few times, and finally we lay in the shade of a big tree in comfortable silence. 

"Hey, Alex." I broke the silence, turning my head to the side.

"Yeah, Maggie?" He- no, definitely now she asked, turning her head, us staring into each other's eyes. I got lost in them for a while, before Alex said, "You... were gonna say something, Beantown?"

"Alex Fierro, I love you." I stared into her heterochromatic eyes, trying to gauge her reaction. She laid there in stunned silence for a moment, before responding...

Alex's POV

As I read, I noticed Magnus starting to mutter in his sleep. Concerned, I was about to shake him awake when I heard him mutter something that couldn't possibly be true.

"Maggie.. you, what..?" I stared at his peaceful face, looking as though he hadn't said those 5, life-changing words. 

I shifted, wanting to go back to my room to do pottery stuff and clear my head (I had not yet decided whether I was going to create things or smash them). Magnus was still leaning on me though. When he felt me move, he wrapped his arms around my waist and held on tight. I nestled back down, leaving my book abandoned. Sure, I'd known he felt that way about me since the flyting, when he'd announced that one kiss in Niflheim was the best thing that had ever happened to him. But hearing him say the words... I realized I felt the same. I loved Magnus Chase. I loved his smile, the way he blushes, his laugh, his humor, his awkwardness, gods l loved how awkward he was. I loved his witty comebacks, his stormy grey eyes, his blonde hair he let me cut because he couldn't say no to me.

"Hey Maggie," I whispered into his ear. "Love you too."

A soft, surprised voice answered me, "Wait... really? You do?"

I paused. I didn't know he had woken up. When did he wake up? I didn't want to leave Magnus sitting, waiting for an answer, or it would seem like I was lying. So I answered him. "Of course I do Maggie. Gods, how could you even ask that? Have you met yourself?" 

He chuckled. "But... you really love me?" I asked.

He physically jumped when I said that, as though it were the stupidest thing anyone has ever said. He sat up straight, turning to face me. He grabbed my hands, holding them tight in his. "Well, yeah. I do love you. You, Alex Fierro, are the best. I mean, how could I not love you? I've loved you since the moment we me-"

I leaned forwards and cut him off with a kiss, his lips soft and tender as always, him letting out a shocked little gasp-like squeak. He let go of my hands and wrapped them around my waist, pulling me in even closer. I threaded my fingers through his soft hair. When eventually, we pulled apart for air, he pressed his forehead to mine and before long, we had gotten lost in each others' eyes.



"Love  you."

"Love you too, Alex."

Ok so um I hope you enjoyed that cause I started writing it at like 10pm and it's now 3:30 AM  so you better have enjoyed that. It was really fun to write.

Question: If you could go anywhere, where you you go? (fictional places included)

I would go to CHB

Have a nice day, etc.

OOOOOOH random share-y thingie

I kinda look like alex but both my eyes are dark brown and I wear glasses 0.0

Yes I did steal the name Alex from Alex Fierro.

-Alex 😗✌

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