Woods Adventure/ O2L & Jendrea pt1

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Connor's POV.:
I'm super excited today we're going on an adventure me, Kian, Ricky, JC, Andrea ( just friends with kian), Jenn and Sam. We'll be going into the woods, I woke early in the morning and went to target to buy us some snacks and candy for the trip. Once I reached home I called the group and decided to meet up at Jenndrea's house because it's the closest to everyone's house. I unlocked my apartment's door got my stuff and locked and headed on my way.
"Hey Jenn, I'm on way to your house are you all set? It's going to be fun." I said on the phone.
"Oh hell yeah, I can't wait to do some adventure." Jenn replied the excitement obvious in her voice.
"Alright see ya in a minute." With that I ended the call.

Jenn's POV.:

Connor just called and said he was on his way, and the other guys are almost here too. As much as I'm excited, I have this feeling that something will go wrong. Let's hope nothing goes wrong oh it will ruin the whole trip.
"JENN.... Bring you backpack to the front door." Andrea shouted from her room.
"It's already here and I myself am here too. Hurry up they're gonna be here any minute." I shouted back.
"Alright, alright I just need to wear my sneakers." I heard her running around her room probably packing some unnecessary stuff in her backpack.

Just then I hear the knock on the door. I skipped to the front door and opened it wide open. "Hey guys, thank god you're here." The o2l boys were finally here.
"Chill Jenn it's just a small trip to the woods." Sam commented on my over excitement.
"I've never been to the wood so yeah." I laughed and fetched my backpack.
"Andrea they're all here." I called Andrea.
"Here I am, let's get this adventure started." Andrea jumped throwing her fist in the air.

The boys rented a mini van to fit all 7 of us. I wish Trevor was here, but he had some things to finish.

That bad feeling wouldn't go away though. I hopped to the backseat of the van next to the window. The fun is starting now.

Kian's POV.:

Ricky is going to be driving the van and I called it shotgun. I blasted the radio to Hell Yeah by Midnight Red. It's so energetic that we were all jumping in our seats. The ride is 2 hours long so this is gonna be long.

"Hey I brought some candy and drinks, if anybody wants there they are." Connor said pointing to the giant bag of snacks.

"Hey Connor, throw me a pack of Doritos." I said opening my hands ready to catch it.

"No, I want that, give it to me not him." Andrea shouted quite late because I'm already munching on a piece of chili Doritos.

"We can still share you know?" I said giving her the pack which she happily took and fetched a big amount of.

We sang along to a couple of different songs until there was a dead silence in the van. I took a look at them in the back and they were crashed. Jenn was soft snoring hahahahaha. I myself was quite tired. I turned to Ricky who was still singing to a song of Trevor Moran, Echo.
"Are you good there buddy?" I quietly said.
"Yeah man I'm totally enjoying this song." Ricky replied fast to get back to the song. "We're almost here though."

"Are we?" I put on my best evil smirk. He replied with a simply yeah.
I had this evil idea.....

Sam's POV. :

I was peacefully enjoying my car nap, when all of a sudden someone was screaming "there's a truck Ricky watch out ahhhhh." I shot up from my seat freaked out I thought we were crashing. I looked around and heard Kian laughing his a#% off.
"WHAT? WHAT!" I screamed my heart beating really fast.
Kian is still laughing along with Ricky.
"What happened?" Connor saying still in haze.
Jenn said something that absolutely made no sense.
"Huh?" Andrea added.
"Chill guys, we're almost here and I thought I'd wake you up my own way." Kian said trying to catch some breathe from laughing so hard.

"WE ARE HERE, " Ricky announced parking the van to the side. "Who's ready?"

"WE ALL ARE." We all screamed in unison.
We hopped off the van, one by one fixing our backpacks on our shoulders.

"Guys, I'm a little scared." Andrea said.
"Oh no Dea, we came here to overcome your fears and have some great adventure." Jenn trying to convince Andrea. "Besides we're all here to protect you."

"Look who's talking Jenn," Connor added, "I guess you'll be the first one to shag off." Pointing at her laughing.

"Hehe, not funny, we'll see about that." Jenn glared at Connor.

"C'mon, it's already dark." Kian pulling us towards the woods.

I have a bad feeling about tonight's adventure. Hope everything goes well.

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