Chapter 10

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Kei yawned as he looked at the timer.

6 hours left.

He couldn't believe that Genin's made him sit there for 4 hours doing nothing. He was totally contemplating whether he made the right choice of being a teacher or not.

Suddenly, there was a loud explosion from the forest causing the Sensei to stand up quickly. He watched as smoke flew up into the air.

"You've got to be kidding me." Thoughts of the three of them fighting each other filled his mind.

Was this the reason they have been so quiet? Ignoring his thoughts, he ran in the direction of the explosion.


Kei Sensei arrived at the scene of the explosion.

"All you had to do was listen to me and Shigeru!" Kiyoko yelled at Lilia who was standing behind a burn mark on the ground.

And angry Kiyoko and shocked Shigeru were standing across from an annoyed Lilia.

"Now look! Sensei's here!" Kiyoko gestured to Kei who jaw dropped at the scene in front of him.

He was not expecting them to lash out like this.

"What the hell is going on!?" He yelled out to the three, not liking how this is going.

"Me and Shigeru had a plan, but Lilia says it won't work without even trying it. She said she wasn't going to follow a plan that is doomed to fail and waste her precious time." Kiyoko emphasized the word precious while glaring at Lilia.

Kei turned to look at Lilia who rolled her eyes.

"All I said was it wasn't going to work because Sensei doesn't seem like the type to be fooled that easily." Lilia fought back with a hard glare. "You didn't have to throw 5 paper bombs at me!"

"Yeah, you dodged them anyway. But you meant what I said, didn't you!? You think you're so smart because you graduated early!"

Shigeru's eyes widened as he stared at Kiyoko. "Kiyoko, I think you should calm down—."

"Shut up, Hyuga! We both know Lilia isn't supposed to be here!" She pointed at Shigeru with a nasty look.

"Kiyoko!" Kei walked up to her, but he was ignored.

"You think just because you're a famous Kizua and a 'genius' that you think it's okay to do whatever you want! Well that's not gonna fly with me! You don't deserve to be a Genin! You're rude, disrespectful, and you fake being innocent around the adults. I bet you even faked your way through the Academy, didn't you!"

Lilia stared at Kiyoko with a cold stare, wondering if this is how she's viewed by other kids.

Kakashi and Guy never told me this... she thought to herself.

"Really!? How about you two!? You both act all big and famous when you aren't even all that. Just because you're just a tiny bit more talented than others, doesn't mean you can talk bad or belittle those around you. You both don't have an ounce of compassion in you!" Lilia pointed at them with a icey stare.

Shigeru and Kiyoko were visibly getting more angrier.

"Says you! I bet the Kizua clan were all killed because they acted selfish and disrespectful like you!" Kiyoko screamed back, letting out all that jealousy and hatred she felt towards the black haired girl across from her.

There was silence.

Lilia stared at Kiyoko, a new found hatred growing in her.

Kiyoko was just as shocked as the others at her own words. She knew she was jealous of Lilia because she was a pure genius, but to go that far...

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