Chapter 8

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"Don't do anything you're not told to. That makes you look like an idiot. And listen closely to your sensei, don't be too goofy, okay. You are younger than your teammates, so don't feel discouraged. I'm sure you'll do just fine. Oh! And make sure to use your jutsu carefully, it's still unstable to use in battle, so stick with what your father's shown you. And—." My concerned mother was cut off by my dad who piled her away from me.

"I think she gets it, sweetie." Dad smiled at her lovingly, patting her shoulder.

"Yeah, mom. I'll be fine. It's not like I'm going to be given any missions today. I'm only meeting the team." I sent her a reassuring look.

"I know, I know. I just..." She glanced between me and dad, taking in our knowing smiles. "I hate when you two pick on me! I'm just worried for my daughter first day of being a Genin!"

Her eyes watering as she pouted.

"And you have every right to be. But you know how reliable Lilia is. She'll be great and her team will love her." Dad sent me a wink as he calmed down mom.

"You're right. Okay." Mom sniffled having calmed down now.

I smiled at the two, appreciating how much they care.

"Then we have one last thing to say." Dad bent down to my level, placing his hand on my head. "Good luck."

I grinned as he took his hand back. "Thanks mom! Thanks dad! I'll see you later!"

I waved goodbye to them as I ran out the house towards the main building where missions are assigned.


I opened the door to see three people standing in front of the table where the Third Hokage and Minato sat, along with two other shinobi.

One adult and 2 twelve year olds stood before the table of high ranked shinobi.

The adult male was about 6 ft and had the same build as Minato. His dark blue hair up in a short pony tail, his head headband around his head. A large scar down his face from his upper cheek to his lower neck. He was wearing the leaf shinobi uniform.

One of the 12 year olds looked to be a Hyuga. His eyes white with the Byakugan. He was about 5'0 ft tall. His brown hair long, in a braid. He was wearing a dark blue sweater, no zipper or hood, black pants with a white supply bag around his leg.

And the third person was a girl, shoulder length blonde hair with brown eyes. She was the same height as the Hyuga beside her. She had on a outfit similar to Sakura's when they've just become Genins. But it was white and dark purple.

I was the shortest at 4'4 ft... I feel small.

"Great. Now that everyone's here, I'll introduce all of you." The Third Hokage spoke up as I walked next to the blonde girl, the line going shortest to tallest.

"This team will be lead by Kei Geto, a jounin who has has completed 119 D-rank, 100 C-rank, 123 B-rank, 49 A-rank, and 11 S-rank missions." The Third listed his completed missions.

I glanced over to see his reaction. He noticed me looking and smiled warmly down at me.

I smiled back, causing the blonde beside me to scoff.

What the-?

"Hey, guys. It's nice to finally meet you three." He waved to us with a kind smile.

All three of us waved back subtly.

"Next we have Shigeru Hyuga, from the Hyuga Clan—."

"From the main house of the Hyuga Clan." Shigeru chimed in with a curt nod, interrupting the Third. A proud smirk plastered on his face.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

He didn't have to interrupt him just for that.

But I don't like the Third Hokage. He had Naruto in the slums and only gave him little bit of money to live off! Naruto deserved so much better!

He let out a tired sigh, tilting his head forward while holding his Hokage hat.

Minato let out a awkward laugh, before speaking up for the Third.

"Then we have Kiyoko Aikawa. Both Shigeru and Kiyoko graduated from the same class and are 12 years old." He gestured to the blonde girl.

"I graduated second of my class, I'm quite talented when it comes to basically everything we were taught in the Academy." Kiyoko bragged while barely having anything to brag about.

I mean, second in her class. That's actually pretty good. I know she must have trained and studied a lot.

But I graduated same year even though I'm younger, so I'm the one who beat her for first...

"And next we have Lilia Kizua, from the Kizua Clan. She is younger then you two, so please make her feel comfortable. She graduated after only a year of being in the Academy while also graduating top of her class. I hope you guys will treat her as any other Genin." Minato smiled brightly in my direction.

No please don't do that!

Sure, I love you for the praise, but this will cause problems for me!

I ignored the stare I was getting from Kiyoko, sending a 'shut up' look to Minato.

Minato shrugged. He knows I'll have trouble with these two, but gives zero shits? The audacity.

God! Why did I choose to be a genius!?

"You won't be given any missions today. I hope you'll get to know each other first. You'll start tomorrow." The Third looked over to Kei-Sensei.

"Okay, you guys come with me. I have something planned for the three of you." Kei-Sensei nodded at the Third making me confused.

"Where are we going?" Kiyoko asked Sensei curiously.

"You'll just have to wait and see." He smirked down at us before walking out the door, the other two following.

"Lilia!" Minato called out, making me stop in my tracks.

I made eye contact with Kiyoko before the door closed behind her. She looked to be angry about something.

What's up with this bitch!? Why does she keep staring!?

I turned to face the shinobi, an emotionless expression. "I don't know how to feel about this..."

"I'm sure you'll be fine, just be your friendly self. You have a knack for getting people to like you after a while." Minato tried to lift my spirits by sweet talking.

I glanced at the Third, noticing his interest in our conversation. Same with the other shinobi.

I don't care if they listen.

"Just so you know, I'm only nice to people who are nice to me. This is going to take a while. Did you not see how that Kiyoko was glaring at me!?" I looked between the Third Hokage and future Forth Hokage.

"You said you were ready for a team, so I simply obeyed your wishes. From Minato's opinion of you, I think you'll understand why you were chosen for this team sooner or later." The Third Hokage stated with an all-knowing tone.

He always sounds like he can see the future or something.

Shut the fuck up, old man.

I groaned as I lifted my hands to my head, tilting my head back. "Curse my intelligence and skill! Okay, okay! I'll give it a shot."

I let my hands fall to my sides before turning my gave to Minato. "I already know my goal, this is just a step towards it, right?"

I told him my goal, a year ago. When I went to their house for dinner.

I'm pretty sure he remembers.

The Yellow Flash of the Leaf crossed his arms on the desk in front of him, smiling knowingly to me. "It's just a step to your goal, that's right."

I sighed and turned around. "Let's get to it!" I exclaimed with false enthusiasm while walking out the room to join my new team.

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