"Hey what the hell are you doing." Sakura said as she walked over to the boy, then picking him up and placing him infornt of her.

"Auntie Sakura?" The little boy said then hugged her. "AUNTIE SAKURA!" she stood there as the boy hugged her, then she pushed him back with the most confused look on her face. He looked at her, just as confused.

"You look really young?" As the boys words faded, he started to back away slowly, Sakura turned towards the two boys behind her reading their confused and shocked faces easily. He turned around to see Naruto slowly sitting up rubbing his head. The boy then walked up to him squinting his eyes to get a better look at the blond. Everyone watched him do this in silence wondering what the fuck was happing.

"Dad?" the boy then widened his eyes and backed up. The confusion filled his thoughts.

"DAD!" The boy said even louder this time with a shocked expression.

Naruto looked at him with a confused look on his face. The boy looked around at his surroundings, this ally of Konoha wasn't familiar to him. He looked at his dad again then Sakura and his eyes widened at the sudden thought.

did I just time travel?!

"Are you alright?!" Naruto put his hand on the boys shoulder causing him get out of his trance. He then pushed his fathers hand off and pointed his finger in Naruto's face.


"17" Naruto said confused.

"OH NO OH NO!" The boy said heavy breathing now.

"Are you Narutos son" The boy looked over to where the question came from, to see very similar raven hair.


the boy just looked over to the raven haired boy with wide eyes and confusion. He didn't want to say anything, he's already said to much.

"Hey kid, did you hear me!" Sasuke snapped the kid out of his mind scape. The boy was wondering if he should say anything but then realized he already screamed the raven haired boys answer. The boy shook his head aggressively, then turned his gaze towards his other dad.

"YOU'RE MY WHAT!" The blond jumped up in shock and pushed his back against the wall to keep his balance. They both stared at eachother until Menma opened his mouth hesitantly.

"I'm Menma?" He said nervously and cautiously.

Everyone looked at the boy standing in front of Naruto. No way this kid time traveled, thats impossible right? They all stood there shocked not knowing what to say. Naruto had a kid and he was standing right in front of all of them. Naruto stood up from the wall and made his way over to his son still being cautious.

Naruto then pulled the boy closer to where they were right in front of each other. Naruto death glared the kid while Menma stood there wondering what to say. All he knew was that what ever the blond asked him, he couldn't say anything else

"Who do I marry?"

"Couldn't tell ya"

"Do I become hokage?"

"I don't know" Naruto was so frustrated at the little boy.

"Who do you get your black hair from?"

Menma just shrugged

"GOD YOUR ANNOYING! JUST TELL ME DAMMIT!" Menma then relaxed at his fathers sudden actions. He remembered how his father always told him Naruto acted more lively when he was younger. Making him smirk.

"Everyone was right, you are a handful." Menma then scoffed turning the opposite direction of his father trying to get a reaction out of him.

"why you little!" Naruto said as he was about to pounce on the boy. Before he could do anything, Sasuke moved behind him, holding him back with his one arm.

"Hey let go! Let me cut this guy down!" Naruto said as he gritted his teeth together and clenched his fist. Sasuke just rolled his eyes.

"Naruto! Stop saying non-sense he's a kid you idiot!" Sakura said before threatening to slap him. Naruto relaxed but still glared at his son. Sasuke let go of him and moved besides the blond. He stared at the kid so Menma stared back.

Menma wanted to go up an hug his father, hold him tight but knows he can't. His face grew sad at the thought of his family. Sasuke and Naruto could see this. Naruto started to feel bad so walked over to the boy and knelt before him.

"I'm sorry." Naruto said as he looked away from his son in embarrassment.

"Its not surprising, you still act like that when your older too." Menma says trying to hold in his laugh. Naruto froze in place trying to hold himself back. Sasuke just covered his mouth and tried not to laugh while Sakura and Sai let theirs out.

"It's fine though." Menma said as he patted his fathers head and smiled. Naruto just stared at the boy in surprise. Everyone looked at them. Sasuke stared at the two and warmth he was unfamiliar with grew inside him. Sakura knelt down and hugged Menma tight.

"You are so cute!" She said as she squeezed him.

"Who knew you were possible of making something this cute Naruto." She said as she still squeezed the boy.

"Hey! What do you mean by that!" Naruto huffed and crossed his arms before standing up from his kneeling position. Menma slapped the girls arm lightly.

"can't. breath." He said making Sakura release the tight grip she had on the boy.

"sorryyy!" She said in embarrassment. Naruto then grabbed the boys hand before making his way out the ally.

"Where you going dope." Sasuke said in confusion.

"I'm taking him to granny!" He said still making his way out the ally.

"What about food!" Sakura screamed.

"I'll get something later!" He said still moving his feet. Sasuke just watched the two walk out to ally, how Naruto's hand lightly grasped Menmas made him smile a little.

"I'll go with him." Sasuke said before following him.

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