( Nearing disrepair )

Beginne am Anfang

"N-No, we're definitely only friends!" You stammered, shaking your hands. "Me and him.. we were on bad terms for a little while, but he apologized to me, so we decided to start a clean slate. Nothing more, and nothing less."  The photos finished printing as soon as you stopped talking, and you reached to take them as your boyfriend pursed his lips.

You found that your wrist was snatched and he twisted you to face his direction, allowing you to spot the change in his face. "..[Y/N]..." What was revealed on his face was a certain red blush that increased dramatically. His crimson eyebrows twitched constantly, and although this was unexpected of him, his next words really struck you in the ribcage.

"I don't know about you, but no matter how many times I look at it, it looks like you two are out on a date together... And it.." He looked away, "It makes me so jealous, to the point I can't think straight!" Like admitting this was a hard-- and embarrassing-- feat to him, he closed his eyes shut as he admitted this.

You would bat your eyes, wondering how you could possibly reply-- nonetheless counter this misconception he's been having. Did it really look that way? If he thinks so, then... It must be true. At least in his eyes. In a few seconds you expelled a exhale, gently shifting your wrist out of his hold. "Eijiro..."

He looked at you as soon as you said his name, sort of like a obedient dog. Caught by surprise when you drew closer, he received a slightly forceful headbutt from you. Your foreheads were pushed together because of your hand which had managed to press against the back of his head to create more of an impact. Sure, it hurt a little, but that was your intention.

"Wake up and have trust in me!" You said sternly, burrowing your eyebrows. "I know the feeling of being inadequate. It's normal to feel jealous... selfishness is what makes us human. But remember..." What crept against your lips was a small smile, though it was absolutely adorned in Kirishima's eyes. Elegant, even. 

"I promise that I will always love you, Eijiro."

You leaned your head away to create a bit of space. The embarrassment of your line was starting to get the best of you since heat was starting to consume your ears, prompting you to clear your throat. On the other hand, Kirishima took a step back and covered his face in attempts to conceal the rush of red developing. He was silent, yet was still very immersed in what you had told him.

The both of you were at a loss of words at the moment, that is- until you put in the effort to move on. "Th-The pictures! They're done... So let's get going now! Todoroki must've been waiting for a long time already!" Without much thought, you sped out of the dim space and stepped out of it only to make an immediately glance to Todoroki.

Only, he wasn't present at all.

You turned to your belongings, noticing that he left his shopping bags and drink right where you two had last placed them. "Huh..? He's gone, and even left his things..." You picked up his shopping bag, opening it. The candles and other items you bought with him was inside and still intact, confirming that these were indeed his belongings.

"Maybe he went to the bathroom for a second.." You whispered, looking around the populated outside mall for a brief scan of your surroundings. If that was the case, then you knew that there was no harm in waiting for a little bit for his return.

Little to your knowledge, the male you'd been looking for was hidden just behind the photo booth itself, keeping his head low as his expression was unexpectedly hollow. He heard everything. And your last words... They were severely burned into his membrane.

Todoroki didn't appreciate this feeling that started drowning him... It became dreadfully hard to breathe, and the sickening sensation residing in his abdomen was becoming intolerable. He took a step forward and towards the crowd to try and search for a secluded area that was far from you and Kirishima, but that single advance of his instantly made this legs feel powerless.

The DEMON within him. [Yandere! Shoto Todoroki X Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt