"Shut up! Or I won't do this!"

"Sorry sorry." She slid her back down farther on the tree as she watched her crush focus on the scroll infornt of him. She then shut her eyes listening to the trees swaying, the leaves rustling, the birds singing, and Menmas occasionally grunts due to his unsuccessful attempts at completing the jutsu. She slid farther down the tree before turning on her side in hopes to fall asleep.

A couple hours passed since they first opened the scroll. She opened her eyes slightly and could still hear his frustration. She stopped hearing his grunts and opened her eyes out of curiosity. Her eyes widened as she saw a large black portal appear under the boys feet. She got up from her sleeping position as fast she could. Before should could even get close, the wind from the portal caused the girl to fall back on her butt.

"SARADA!" The boy called out as he feel in to the dark hole. His mind was filled with worry and confusion on how this could of happened. His father created portals like this when in battle, so why was he falling into one. He put his fingers together creating two identical figures of himself. His two shadow clones grabbed his arms and tried to swing him up but it had no effect, he was in the same place.

"MENMA!" Sarada yelled as she got back off of her butt and ran towards the portal. Right as she was about to jump in the black portal, it closed, causing her fall on top of where it used to be. 

"NOOOO!" she started to dig at the ground then gave up knowing it was useless. She got up from her sitting position and picked the scroll up and reading over it to see if there was anything she could do. Tears were falling down her face due to the fading of Menmas chakra. She thought to her self and wondered how that happened. Why him. Did he do something to trigger this. She continued to read but the answers she was seeking were now where to be found on the large piece of paper.

She stuffed the scroll in her pants as she ran back towards the village. She ran through the streets of Konoha causing people to look at her with a worried expressions on their faces. Tears were streaming out of her purple eyes and down her red cheeks. Her mind was running just as fast as her feet running through the village. The complete loss of Menmas chakra was making her run faster.

'Narutos gonna be so mad if I tell him. I need to tell my mom first. Nooo I have to tell his parents!"

She gulped at the nerves running through her body but realized that the only way to save him is to tell Naruto.

She continued to cry running towards the Uzumaki residence. Once she got there she ran up to to front door hesitating to knock but still knocking after a few words of encouragement. A tall man with black raven hair opened the door for the pink haired girl standing in front of him. His once expressionless face grew more worried seeing how the girl was crying.

"Sarada?" He bent down to her level and called for his husband with a worried tone.

"I'm so sorry." The girl said as she broke down. She heard footsteps coming closer to them. She looked up to the see Naruto looking at her with scared expression, she ran past Sasuke and into Narutos arms.

"IM SO SORRY! I COULDN'T SAVE HIM!" She felt the blond loosen his grip on her waist and looked at her with pleading eyes.

"What happened." She started to explain everything that happened to where she first saw him, what they were doing there, and how it ended. She had tears in her eyes when explaining everything to them.

After she was done they got up from their kneeling positions. Sasuke ran towards the phone calling the girls parents while Naruto ran up to his office, but before he fully turned around she saw the tears in his eyes. She looked at the ravens who wasn't crying but looked like he was about to kill someone. The vibe radiating off of Sasuke was terrifying.

Once her parents got their she ran up towards her moms with a tears running down her cheeks.

"It's all my fault." She said crying into her moms shoulders. They then got up from the kneeling positions greeting Sasuke who was explaining everything to them with a cold expression. Sarada knew how Sasuke was, everyone did. But she still felt like he was mad at her.

They all moved towards the large dining table. Saradas parents sitting right next to each other chatting with Sasuke who was right across from them. Sarada was at the end of the table, hugging her hands together so tightly her fingers were going numb, and her head lowered to look at the floor as she was trying to hold back tears. They all looked up to Naruto walking in the doorway they came in. He had a serious and cold expression on his face but not like Sasukes 'I wanna kill you" vibe.

"Shikamaru is on his way...." He slowly sat down next to Sasuke, then looked at his husband then back at the rest of the table. ".......I think it might be the otsutsuki." Everyone's eyes widened besides Sasukes and Naruto's. Sarada was so stiff, now clenching her clothes. She gulped and shivered in nervousness just at the name.....


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