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Bose: Seriously, you're just so cute when you're mad.
Chapa: [rolls up her sleeve] Well, get ready 'cause I'm about to get real adorable!


Mika: So, what's it like dating Bose?
Chapa: Last week, he was supposed to buy eggs and he came back with cookie cutters so now everything we eat is shaped like a dinosaur.
Chapa: [tearing up] He's amazing.


Bose: Has anyone seen my phone?
Chapa: Oh, it was beeping while you were taking a nap and I saw that your battery was almost dead so I plugged it in for you. Here.
Bose: Oh, great. Thanks.
[20 minutes later. With Ray]
Bose: [crying] I wAnT tO mArRy HeR rIgHt NoW.


Chapa: [walking into SWAG] Hey, how is everyone?
Mika: Hungry.
Miles: Tired.
Schwoz: Lonely.
Ray: Depressed.
Bose: In love with you.
Chapa: ...
Chapa: Forget I asked.


Mika: Bose, we have something to tell you
Miles: Now, this may come to you as a shock but you need to know.
Ray: You're in love with Chapa.
Bose: ...
Bose: What?
Schwoz: By the way, I think she likes you too.
Bose: WHAT?!


[In a group chat]

Chapa: Lol. One time, I didn't know how to confess to this guy that I liked, so I filled his car with red heart shaped confetti.
Bose: Wait.
Bose: THAT WAS YOU????
Chapa: haha... whoever added Bose back into this chat is not seeing tomorrow's morning.
<Mika has left the chat>


[Bose and Chapa on a date. In the middle of the forest]
Bose: This is my happy place. I come here whenever I'm sad.
Chapa: Oh, really? Well, thanks for trusting me enough to show it to m-
Bose: Nah, I'm just kidding. We're lost.


Bose: [Checking Chapa's schedule] Sweet, looks like we have biology together.
Chapa: This is Chemistry.
Bose: You feel it too?


Bose: Chapa could slap me in the face and I would thank her.
Miles: I'd thank her too.
Bose: ...


Bose: So, what's your type?
Chapa: Tall, bruntte, oblivious, brown eyes...
Bose: Huh. Kinda sounds like me. Too bad we're just friends.
Chapa: Did I mention oblivious?
Bose: Yeah, why?
Chapa: Just checking.

AN: OMG Thank you so much for 1k reads!

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