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Bose: Have you eaten yet?
Chapa: Have you eaten yet?
Bose: Are you copying me?
Chapa: Are you copying me?
Bose: I love you!
Chapa: Yeah, I've eaten.
Bose: ...


Ray: [drops a big box] This is our 'Love Box' We'll put the things we love in this Box so we have less chance of loosing them.
Bose: [raises his hand] Can I put Chapa in the box?
Ray: What? No. We put objects in the box not people.
Miles: [raises his hand] Can I put Chapa in the box, then?
Ray: No, you ca-
Mika: Can I put Chapa in box?
Ray: No one's putting Chapa in the box!
Chapa:[Already in the box]


Bose: [sobbing] WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?
Chapa: [standing in the corner of the room, calmly eating kit kat the wrong way]
Chapa: [steps towards him, still eating it the wrong way]


Chapa: I know you want to keep me safe but the only way you could do that is if you wrapped me up in bubble wrap and kept me in a cave.
Bose: Believe me, I've thought about it.


Mika: [sees Bose and Chapa walking in holding hands] So, who finally confessed?
Chapa: [smiles proudly] It was me. I made sure it was simple and sweet.
Bose: You yelled, "Listen here, you dummy, I have feelings for you and it's about time you acknowledged them" From the roof.
Chapa: It worked though.


Chapa: In this relationship, I'm the sun and you're the moon.
Bose: Of course. You brighten up my world.
Chapa: That and also because I'm the hot one.


Chapa: All in all, a 100% successful journey.
Bose: We lost Miles and Mika.
Chapa: ...
Chapa: All in all, a 100% successful journey.


Bose: [on the phone] Hi.
Chapa: I'm busy, I'll call you later.
Bose: Is drinking 16 can's of red bull to stay awake bad for my health?
Chapa: I'm on my way.

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