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Bose: Are you a cuddler?
Chapa: I AM A MACHINE OF DEATH AND DESTRUC- yeah, I'm a cuddler.


Mika: Now remember, just relax and act mature.
Bose: Got it.
[Later, on the date]
Chapa: So what do you do for fun?
Bose: [in a deep, serious voice] Taxes.


Chapa: I don't get jealous. I never get jealous.
Random girl: [to Bose] Hi.
Chapa: Who the heck is that?!


Chapa: [hugs Bose from behind] I love you!
Chapa: [gets close to Bose's ear] But if you ever eat my grapes again, I will destroy you.


Chapa: [makes Bose tea and puts salt in it as a prank] Here you go.
Bose: [sips tea]
Chapa: ...
Bose: [finishes tea]
Chapa: Wha- didn't it taste bad?
Bose: It did, but I didn't want to hurt your feelings so I drank it all.
Chapa: [tearing up] O-oh...Okay.


Chapa: [inhales]
Mika: If you're about to say you hate Bose, just know I saw you guys carving your initials into a tree last week.
Chapa: ...
Chapa: [exhales]


Bose: [slowly sipping tea]
Chapa: [solving a crossword] Okay, number 5, 'sometimes annoying but still manages to be incredibly adorable', Hmm...
Chapa: ...
Chapa: [snaps her fingers] Bose.
Bose: [chokes on his tea]
Chapa: [writes it in] Oh hey, it fits!
Bose: [blushing furiously]


Bose: [to himself] Don't let her know how awkward you are
Chapa: Nice weather.
Bose: Thanks.
Bose: [faceplams himself]


Bose: [holds the door open for Chapa] After you.
Chapa: No, after you.
Bose: No, you.
Chapa: I insist, after you.
Ray: [pushes past the two of them] After me.


Bose: Ask me why I love you.
Chapa: Okay? Why do you love me?
Bose: [pulling out a 250 slide presentation] I'm glad you asked...

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