[On that day Junyeol was doing a live dragon show on his SNS from the air hotel. It was a live show with more than 10 million views lol]

[Our red dragon really must have become famous, for some criminal to leech on to him]

[Soonhui don’t suffer in pain…and just die]

Byeon Soonhui’s statement proved to be invalid as numerous witnesses stood as an alibi for Yeom Junyeol. 

Yeom Bangyeol and the red lion team, finding this incident to be very unpleasant, called for a press conference to make a statement. 

Yeom Bangyeol was clearly furious as he emphasized twice in his statement that he wanted Byeon Soonhui to receive a strong punishment.

Even though the red lion managed the situation and the police ignored Byeon Soonhui’s statement, the rage of the fans were not so quick to dissipate. 

“Byeon Sonhui must be going crazy.’

From Byeon Sonhui and his accomplice’s point of view, they had clearly seen me who had adopted the appearance of Yeom Junyeol so it must have driven him nuts. 

It seems my words had provoked him greatly that day, as Byeon Sonhui didn’t give up on associating the red dragon Yeom Junyeol till the end. 

It was impossible for anyone to have the same esteemed ability and it was impossible to copy anyone’s esteemed ability so he insisted that Yeom Junyeol was there. 

‘In that convention center, there was no record of any form to prove his statement as there were no surveillances.’

I was able to keep my identity from being exposed as Byeong had used a large scale, device controlling equipment 

The only photo of the Mysterious Red Wall Thief was a picture taken from afar, of the red flames rising to the sky. 

As a result Byeon Soonhui’s statement only seemed like an attempted defamation of Yeom Junyeol to drag him down along with himself. 

Byeon Soonhui didn’t seem to repent on any of his crimes and continuously mentioned Yeom Junyeol. 

There were several thick-skinned participants from the dream auction who claimed to have seen Yeom Junyeol as well and were a victim to his attacks. 

Eventually, the furious fandom of Yeom Junyeol called for action. 

Resulting in the creation of the ‘Dream list’.

The fans utilized all their sources of information, editing skills to gather the list of participants from the dream auction. 

They uploaded and shared this list publicly, mainly to Yeom Junyeol’s overseas fans. And were headstrong and brazen not caring about the possibility of being sued. 

There were high-quality photos of individuals. 

The past misdeeds, evidence, and personal information of the auction participants. 

It also contained a detailed summary of the current dream auction investigation process. 

After the dream list was publicized. 

Those that had been luckily sidelined due to the vast number of investigation suspects, were exposed via the dream list. 

Those with their names exposed on the name list raised an outcry of defamation. 

‘No matter it is impossible to eradicate anything that has been published on the web.’

Later on, the dream list was prohibited on search engine portals. 

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