"Why the fuck do you keep saying that, mate? What does it mean?" Mason laughed.

We were waiting for them to notice it was from our commentary video.

"It was something you had to be there for." I tell him. Andrew shook his head again.

"I love inside jokes, love to be a part of one." Andrew spoke to us.

We all looked at each other and laughed. "Sam, were you still planning on getting food with me?" Owen asked making conversation.

I nodded my head, realizing I was hungry. "Hey, can I come?" Mason asked hopeful that we would say yes.

"I mean, if you want." Owen sat up so he could position himself better.

"Just don't be annoying." I tease him. He looks at me like I just wounded him.

"When am I ever annoying?" He asked playfully as I shake my head.

Andrew said he was going to go stream so he reminded Mason to come back so they could stream together.

Owen, Mason, and myself all piled into the car so we could get food. We were going to Buffalo Wild Wings.

We all got a booth and sat down. I sat in front of the boys as they sat next to us.

I would've sat by Owen, but I wanted to look at his face and it gave me an excuse.

"So, I think I'm going to ask out Camila." Owen and I both gasped.

They've been talking for months so I was excited for something to actually happen.

I can tell they make each other happy. "Finally, mate. How are you going to do it?" I question.

I could tell he was nervous. So we help him make a game plan. We tell him that he should be sweet about it but not too sweet.

We told him to not go over the top with it. I can tell he really cares about her and I think that's really sweet.

We all ate together and Owen drove us back to the house.

He would stay, but he had to take care of Cruzy and clean up around the flat.

I leaned against the door while he sat in his car. "See you tomorrow?" He asked hopeful.

I smile lightly while nodding my head. "Of course. I'll text you some ideas we can do." He nods his head in agreement.

"Can't wait. I guess I'll see you tomorrow." It's like he was blushing a little bit.

Why's he blushing? "See you tomorrow, Owen." I smile. I lean upward so he could drive away.

I watch him drive away while I walked backwards. I sigh when I walked back into my house.

I always have a good time with him. "Did you kiss him goodbye?" Andrew asked when I walked inside.

I purse my lips to try to hide my smile. I would love to do that one day, but not yet.

I don't even know my feelings for him yet. "No, we're just friends." I open the fridge to see what drinks we had.

I pulled out a juice box as Andrew looked at me. "I don't believe that." He honestly tells me.

I just shake my head while sticking my straw through the pouch. "Aren't you suppose to be streaming with Mason?" I ask changing the subject.

"We were wondering if you wanted to join us." I didn't have anything else to do.

Everyone else I knew was busy. So I figured why not. I jogged upstairs and went to my room.

I texted Owen to let him know I'll be streaming for a while so I'll text him when I can.

I put my headphones on so I can hear them. I start my stream up and get everything together.

In twenty minutes, we're playing grand theft auto online.

We were planning on starting some gang wars for the hell of it.

We played this for hours too. And was it fun. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the stream so when we got done I check my phone.

I had a shit ton of messages on my phone from Owen. He asked if I wanted to go go kart riding or go to a trampoline park.

So I chose the trampoline park. I figured we could get a good work out in.

So we planned to go to the trampoline park and then go watch a movie. I was so excited for tomorrow I couldn't wait.

I kept thinking about what could happen between us, if anything will.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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