Accord-ing to who?

Start from the beginning

Secretary Ross then steps to the side and the screen behind him begins to show a slideshow of the Avengers past missions, "New York." Chitauri riders and outriders fly through the streets, the US military firing machine guns to try and stop them. When suddenly Hulk comes jumping from building to building, destroying property with each jump, and that debris is seen falling on to the person who recorder everything. 

"London" Malekiths ship tears through London as it uplifts and explodes many cars, A younger Stiles and Thor can be seen fighting the dark elf, the scene cuts to Stiles sitting in a lotus position, the golden rings surrounding him, and when he unleashes all of the dark elves begin to take each other out . Except for one shot. One shot flies through the stomach of a dark elf... and right towards a innocent who has been recording the whole incident. With a flash of light and a low groan, the camera falls to the floor to show the body of the civilian, his cold eyes still laced with fear. 

Seeing this Stiles lowers his head in shame, his eyes wide from shock. He didn't know. That person died because of him and he didn't even notice, he was too engrossed having fun attacking the elves. Stiles is brought out of his head as a hand reaches atop of his own, looking up he sees Wanda's concerned eyes looking deeply into his. 

"Washington D.C" Ross continues, Three flaming hellicarriers  can be seen falling from the sky, the giant airships crashing into building and bodies of water with the result of said crashes being huge waves of debris and water which sweep up innocent civilians. 

"Sokovia" The floating city, buildings collapsing, people running for their lives. "Lagos" The footage shows the aftermath of what happened with Stiles, a huge slice has affected the side of the building, the camera pans down to see huge chunks of debris all piled at the bottom, and the faintest glimpse of an arm poking out between the rubble.

This time its Wanda's turn to look down, almost instantly Stiles places a comforting hand on her thigh while also using his other hand to rub circles on her back. Wanda sadly smiles at the gesture but makes no move to look back at the screen. "Okay. That's enough." Steve speaks up. 

Ross nods and turns off the footage, before once again turning to face the Avengers. "For the last 4 years you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That's an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate. But I think we have a solution." Ross states as all eyes fall onto him. Ross takes hold of a large booklet and slides it in front of Wanda.

"The Sokovia Accords. Approved by 117 countries, it states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organisation. Instead, they'll operate under the supervision of a United Nations panel, only when and if that panel deems it necessary." 

"The Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place. I feel we've done that." Steve speaks up. 

"Tell me, Captain, do you know do you know where Thor and Banner are right now? If I misplaced a couple 30 megaton nukes, you bet there'd be consequence's." Ross states, as Steve has nothing to say Ross goes to move on, that is before a loud scoff can be heard from the other side of the table.

All eyes turn to Stiles as he sits there with his eyes closed and a closed mouth smile on his face. Slightly chuckling every couple of seconds. "And is there something funny?" Ross questions. 

Stiles shakes his head before slowly opening his eyes revealing a cold glare aimed at Ross, "Yes. Yes there is, I just find it funny how despite the fact that you ask where my brother is. You have no idea the severity of the task he has burdened himself with. Do you?" Stiles starts, pushing his chair back and standing up. He speaks again as he moves to get into Ross' face, "Cause I do, what  my brother is doing is protecting you, and every other person on this planet from threats you wouldn't even be able to comprehend. Threats, so bad they make New York look like a fucking field trip. Why? Because he knows what happens when these threats are left alone for too long." Stiles growls as he allows the Aethers energy to glow up his neck and into his eyes, "This, this is what happens. And as for Banner, I doubt he or the other guy would want to be anywhere near you or anyone you work for since you tried to murder him in Brazil-" 

"Enough!" Steve shouts as everyone stares in shock at Stiles. "Stiles, calm down."

The command falls onto deaf ears as Stiles just glares at Ross, only a couple of inches from his face. Ross does the same before stepping to the side and walking past Stiles back to the front of the room. As he does, Stiles lowers his gaze to his arms where he watches the Aethers energy flow through them. "Compromise. Reassurance. That's how the world works. Believe me, this is the middle ground." Ross states as he points to the Accords which are currently in the possession of Rhodey. 

"So, there are contingencies." Rhodey states.

"Three days from now, the UN meets in Vienna to ratify the accords. Talk it over." Ross states as he goes to leave.

"And if we come to a decision you don't like?" Natasha asks. 

Ross stops in his tracks to look at her. "Then you retire." Ross states before looking towards Stiles who is still staring at his arms, "Or... we will take necessary actions to make sure you go back to where you belong." Ross states before leaving. 

Before anyone can say or do anything, Stiles storms out of the room. While Wanda just stares sadly at his back.    

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