I need to know !

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Wei Wuxian ' Pov


I couldn't sleep anymore. I could hear the birds singing through the open window above our bed. It felt so good to be back home! I was resting against the warm body of my soul mate. My arm was around his waist and his was around mine. Lan Zhan was getting better and better. It would be a while before we could resume our normal married life, but I could belong to him again. Even if our lovemaking did not last as long as usual and was less "muscular". I was happy, well almost... there was still one more subject we had to talk about. I had waited until now to bring it up.

The day was not fully awake, but I was awake. I felt Lan Zhan's embrace tighten around me.

"What's troubling you?" he asked.

I sighed. He was reading me like an open book.

"There's something I haven't told you about. I wanted to wait until you got better and we got home." Although his face remained impassive, his hand tightened on my hip.

"I'm listening."

"When you were injured in the back, the wound would not heal..."


"It was just on an old scar from the discipline whips..." I hesitated, he felt it.


"Song Chang without knowing anything about our history, then asked me if those whips were inflicted on you for fighting and hurting a member of your clan!"

"Our clan!"

"Yes, our clan, I still have a little trouble with that.

"You're going astray!"

"Whose fault was that? Where was I?"

"Song Chang..."

"Ah yes, so I was surprised that he is deduced that just from the scar of a whip ..".


"He revealed to me that in this case of punishment, the whip was coated with a product that delayed the healing of wounds. This product was used to teach the culprit a lesson to make him aware of the pain he had inflicted on his victim!

"This practice was abandoned at least 150 years ago because my grandfather thought it was too barbaric.

"Well, 20 years ago, they used it again... on you. To punish you for your disobedience .... But I think that those who made this decision were after your life.

My head was still resting on his chest. I could hear his heart speeding up and his breathing becoming shorter!

"You think Uncle QiRen...

"Despite all your differences at the time, he loved you like a son ... I don't think he would have done this to you!

"I need to know!".

I looked at my soul mate. The past few years had brought a certain calmness to Lan Zhan and his Uncle's relationship. This doubt threatened to poison their understanding again. We had to find out as soon as possible and the only solution was to go and find the people involved, first and foremost his Uncle QiRen.

"Uncle and Brother drink tea before the morning reading. We'll go join them and question Uncle.

Sensing that the question would preoccupy him until he had an answer, I decided to distract him ... after all we had time!

I slid my hand down his chest, around the curves of his muscles, then down to his flat, hard stomach. I realized with joy that it was not only his belly that was hard! I had a small naughty laugh and raised me slightly to offer him my lips, which he took greedily.

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