The Patriarch of Yiling

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I woke up next to Lan Zhan. As always when we slept in the same bed, I could not help but snuggle up to him. I was beginning to miss the warmth of his arms and kisses!

When would he wake up? When would I feel his hands on my skin again?

I think that week without him had made me realize how he had felt while I was gone. How had he been able to endure this for 16 years? For me, 8 days had been enough to be depressed and desperate!

I caressed his cheek. I thought I saw a movement in the corner of his eyes! I had to check. So I put a kiss on his lips. As a few days ago, this one opened.

I kissed his lips with more insistence... I felt him answer me!

He was not awake but he seemed to be aware of his environment or at least of my presence and what I was doing! I promised myself to continue to stimulate him. A little kiss here and there couldn't hurt him or me !!!! I put a hand on his chest.

"Gege, I can't wait for you to come to your senses, because I think I'm missing you! If it continues, there will be cobwebs and you will have to dust before introducing you again in my intimacy!

I felt a twitch under my hand. He had laughed !!!! He could hear me! It was wonderful, it meant that he would probably wake up from his sleep soon!

I got up with a smile on my face. I washed myself and then his. Nie MingJue had made us wear clothes! I put the light blue dress aside for Lan Zhan when he woke up. I looked at the second one, it was dark blue. I would have preferred a red or black one, but I wasn't going to be picky! I put it on and put back my leather sleeveless top dress and my belt in which I slipped Chenqing. I picked up Lan Zhan's Qiankun purse that I had picked up on the desk in Qingdao. I looked at it for a long time! They had not managed to use it and see what was inside!

At first glance, they didn't know what it was!

This was not the first time I noticed a difference in our respective powers. They also didn't know how to fly their swords and only rode horses! Nor did they know the music of the spirits or the music of healing the body and soul.

However, I had discovered that they had a curious power over spirits, some of the cultivators had the ability to make them materialize at will without the help of spiritual objects! Their "culture" was a bit like mine in some ways!

I didn't know much about their powers, so I had to be careful.

The sleeves of my dress were not as tight as the ones I usually wore, so I started to transform them into a Qiankun pocket. Then I transferred Siubian from Lan Zhan's pocket to my sleeve! I wondered if they were able to make objects appear even though they didn't know the Qiankun? I glanced inside Lan Zhan's bag. His headband was not there! Xue Yang had probably torn it off him before putting him in prison! I touched the ribbon with my hair. I had added several twists to hide the Lan emblem on it. If we didn't find his headband, I would give him mine. It meant more to him than to me.

Someone knocked on the door. Song Chang came forward and greeted me. I greeted him back.

"How is my patient this morning? Did he sleep well?"

"His sleep was peaceful. Doctor, he can hear us. This morning he reacted when I told him a .... funny story!"

I couldn't tell him what I had really said !!!!

"Are you sure?

"Yes, and he reacts when I touch him ...."

Oops, I couldn't tell him that I stroked his cheek and kissed him either!

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