For eternity

662 56 19

Wei Wuxian's PoV


Get the tissue box ready!

I knew he was coming, my spies had told me. In fact, I was hoping he would come. I was waiting for him.

I had set everything up, I had prepared myself. I had removed those who shared my ordeal, soon they would be free too.

Ni bi, my little darling... you were only 2 years old, you were only a child who had the right to live like all the little girls of your age.

A-Qing, you too deserved to live. I know I was leaving you with a heavy responsibility, but knowing you I knew I could trust you.

I heard footsteps in the stone hallway. He was coming. In a few moments he would be here, he would cross the entrance and I would finally be free... if he would grant my request.

"Wei Wuxian!" came Lan Wangji's sure and cold voice.

I turned my back to the entrance.

His voice hadn't changed in all these years! And what was he like today, it had been so long since I had seen him, 17 years!

I turned around slowly. He was still the same! He was standing straight, sword and arm extended towards me. Dressed entirely in white, with an intricate hair ornament on his bun, he still had that divine aura floating around him. His jade complexion seemed even paler than I remembered. His eyes a little more sunken perhaps ... he seemed tired!

His eyes... It looked like they were slightly reddened!

My heart raced as it did in my youth, nothing had changed. I was still attracted to him. How many times had I fantasized about that slender, milky body? How many times had I imagined my lips roaming over his skin and above all how many times had I dreamed of seizing his virtue.

The great Lan Wangji, so pure, so straight, so perfect!

I had held back because I didn't want to soil this purity. I wanted to keep it intact in my mind. An ideal I could never possess!

"Lan Wangji!" I replied in the same cold, dry tone.

"Wei Wuxian, I have come to get you to answer for your crimes!"

"Answer for my crimes? Who do you think you are, Lan Wangji? My judge? My executioner?"

"You have murdered and slaughtered thousands of innocent people. Burned and looted many cities! Have you no honor to deny your deeds?".

"I do not deny what I have done but I am not responsible for it!"

"How dare you! I saw you with my own eyes killing followers of my clan and burning the cradle of my family!"

"I told you I didn't deny what I did...I'm just telling you...I did it against my will!"


"Truth!!! Lan Zhan, you know me! Do you really think I could have committed such horrors of my own free will?"

"You don't seem to be under any control"

"You're right, not in this place! ... that's why I let you find me ... because I have something to ask you ..."

"You're trying to put my suspicion to sleep!"

"Wrong! I'm looking for your help"

"My help? Why would I help a murderer?"

The Untamed : Another storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang