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I stayed alone in my tent. I returned to the bed and put away the products I had used to treat Meng Yao's face.

I was shocked by what I had just learned. I had always wanted to protect him since our first meeting in YunShen Buzhi, but I had failed! I was as guilty as MingJue! I had also pushed him into the role of a spy! I thought he was smart and cunning, resourceful... I knew that his mother was a prostitute and that he had grown up in a house of pleasure. How was it possible that I didn't see anything during all these years!

Those men ... with the marks on his body, they must not have been kind to him! He said he was ashamed, but he did it anyway! Did the end really justify the means? What reassured me was that now that his cover had been blown, he wouldn't have to trade his body for information!

I realized that I was also a little jealous. I had to admit that I had tender feelings for him. I had become aware of it recently. One month ago to be precise, when he had told me that he felt in danger and that he had refused to go back with me! I had always considered him a friend. I appreciated everything about him, his intelligence, his humor, his sweetness!

We called each other brother! And since Wangji's death, he had really become one. I relied on him. He had helped me to regain my footing and to continue living. How many times had he hugged me while I mourned my beloved brother!

These feelings that I had for him were born gradually and now they were imposed on me. But I didn't have the courage to live them and admit them to him.

As I had told Wei Wuxian, our world did not tolerate this kind of relationship. Just the thought of what might happen to him if it became known how he got his information made me shiver with fear. I had to protect him! But first, I had to clear up the misunderstanding with him on which we had parted.

I came out of my tent, everyone seemed to be in an uproar! What was going on? Had MingJue given the order to break camp? We had talked about it before our night mission! I wondered if our guests were awake. I walked toward the tent they were occupying.

The guards had been relieved according to my orders. I knocked on the doorpost. I got no answer. I decided to enter. The candles had almost all been extinguished. Only the ones on my work table continued to diffuse their light, illuminating in a diffuse way the bed on which 2 bodies were embraced.

Wei Wuxian was holding Wangji's hand close to his heart. His face was nestled in my brother's neck and we could see the traces of two tear drops on his cheeks. I could imagine how he must have felt when he thought he lost... his husband! This notion that I had difficulty accepting seemed obvious to me when I looked at them together. Wangji's face looked so serene!

Again, I was assailed by doubt. Did my brother and Wei Wuxian also have such feelings, but could never express them? Everything led me to believe so. Their agreement, the fact that Wangji was only interested in him but not in his wife! This obstinacy that he had had in the first years to want to believe that Wei Wuxian was manipulated by Wen Ruohan in one way or another! And this way they had died ... together by the weapon of the other!

In the last weeks before his death, Wangji was desperate, no one noticed it but me! His jade face had always concealed his deepest feelings. His emotions could only be deciphered by the imperceptible movements of his eyes. It took me a lifetime to learn to read him!

Wei Wuxian moved and opened his eyes. He kissed the hand he was holding and the lips of the sleeping beauty beside him. He only noticed my presence at that moment.

"Xichen-xiong, I didn't hear you come in.

"I just noticed that," I smiled at him.

I approached the bed and leaned over the injured man. His forehead was cool.

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