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Lan Xichen'sPoV


It had been two weeks since my brother and his husband returned from the "other world". Jiang Cheng had gone back to the "Lotus Pier" with Wen Qing. I hoped that everything would go well for them. He had decided to make great efforts for the handsome doctor of Wen Clan. I don't know if he had realized that if everything went well between them, Wen Ning, the ghost general of Wei Wu Xian would become his younger brother!!! This prospect made me smile!

This one had been keeping a low profile lately. The "lotus pier" was not far away. He could visit his "sister" as often as he wanted.

The little Ni Bi explored YunShen Buzhi with his "father". Her relationship with Wangji was still reserved, but it was improving. She was no longer afraid of him! With patience and gentleness, I had no doubt that he would win her over! As far as I was concerned, it was already done, as for Uncle QiRen, she was leading him by the end of the goat! She did what she wanted with him and enjoyed it! She was mischievous like her father!

SiZhui and Jin Ling were both "big brothers" of the same little sister! Their complicity to all 3 was a pleasure to see! The 2 cousins were only children, so they were proud to become models for Ni Bi!

And then there was Meng Yao ... to see him appear when they came back, made me a blow! The wound caused by Jin GuangYao's betrayal was still poisoning my heart. But he was different! He had a sense of humor, he didn't hide what he was, and he talked openly about himself and his life.

It had not been easy. He didn't hide from me his years as a spy for the Nie clan...including how he went about getting the information the resistance needed.

I had been a little uncomfortable with this part of his story, but he was not Jin GuangYao. He was Meng Yao! I was getting to know him and discovering who he really was, even though my distrust had not completely disappeared.

We had tea like every day after Wangji's morning reading. The three of us were sitting peacefully and discussing the best way to introduce the newcomers to the representatives of the other clans and especially Meng Yao! The shadow of his other "self" was not going to make things easy!

We had talked about it for a long time and we had agreed that for his safety, he would stay in YunShen Buzhi, at least until his presentation! After that, he had the right to be free. He had given up everything in his world.

He had told me a little about my other self and the relationship they had had. He was a little embarrassed at first, but then he talked about their years of friendship. I suspected that they had been much more, but for the moment he didn't tell me. He had died in her arms. The last moments they had spent side by side had shattered his heart. And he was trying to rebuild himself.

According to him, although physically identical, we were different. I was more secretive and soft-spoken.

I really hoped that we would become friends... It was far too early for either of us to have stronger feelings. Maybe one day...

But for now ... we were having tea when suddenly YunShen Buzhi's sweet tranquility was disturbed!

"Wei Wuxian !!!!!".

Uncle QiRen's voice could be heard through all the pavilions! I looked at Wangji, who remained unmoved. We had been used to it for 3 years! For Meng Yao it was a first!

"Surprise inspection?" I asked my brother.


"It is true that we are close to the new moon."

Meng Yao seemed not to understand. I thought it best to explain.

"Every month, around the new moon, Uncle QiRen decides on a surprise inspection of my younger brother's class and invariably it ends in disaster!!! sometimes I even wonder if Wuxian isn't doing it on purpose!"

I looked at Wangji. He still hadn't looked up from his cup and was sipping it gently. When I said that last sentence, I saw the corner of his eye twitch! I was right! And Wangji knew it, but as always, he was protecting his soul mate! I sighed and looked at Meng Yao.

"You'll have to get used to it, chances are you'll hear that scream every month or more, from now on!!!"

I saw a slight smile on my brother's lips and a restrained laugh on Meng Yao's.

Life had returned to normal!

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

A small soft chapter before more "sentimental" chapters

You are in the last straight line of this FF, still 3 chapters before the end 


The Untamed : Another storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang