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Get out the pack of tissues

I apologize in advance but it was necessary for the continuation of the story

Cry a lot, it will be better afterwards!


Wei Wuxian's PoV


Meng Yao's shout echoed in the great throne room of Qishan. He raised his head and stared at Jin GuangShan. His arm relaxed and his sword pierced the heart of the leader of the Jin clan. He turned around with a haggard look to Xichen's body and dragged himself to him. Tears streamed down his cheeks. He gently lifted her head and laid it on his lap.

"Xichen, why did you do this? Why did you do this? I beg you, don't leave me. Don't leave me!"

Lan Zhan and I approached each other. We knew we couldn't do anything. Xichen had been hit hard by the evil wave of the Iron Yin as he came between it and Meng Yao. He only had a few minutes to live. He raised his hand and caressed the cheek of his soul mate. This one had put his forehead on him and was sobbing!

"A-Yao don't be sad, tell yourself that we have lived 18 wonderful years!"

"We could have lived as much and grow old together! ,

"Do you think that would have been possible? We could never have lived our love in the open. It's better this way. Make your life and life for me!

"I don't want you to leave! Why did you do this? Why did you do this? I was supposed to protect you, not you!"

"Why? Because I love you and your life is more precious to me than anything! To die to protect the love of your life, isn't that the culmination of all passion?"

"No, you are wrong! The culmination of all passion is to live your love to the fullest with your soul mate!"

"Meng Yao, you must make a promise to me, you must continue to live!"

Xichen glanced at us.

"Follow them! Don't stay in our world! There is someone out there who needs you! And you will need him. Their world is at peace! Here you have nothing to look forward to! You could be accused of killing the chief patriarch to make him pay for not recognizing you as his son! We have no evidence to support our accusations of his treason. You are smart, you have to find a plausible solution for his death. I know you will..."

Xichen closed his eyes and clenched his jaw, the pain was beginning to be unbearable.

"Wangji, Wuxian!" We approached and knelt beside him. He opened his eyes.

"Promise me, that you will look after him. Take him with you! In your world, I am sure he can find peace after I am gone..."

"Xichen, no .... I will join you.. I..."

"I forbid you, you have to promise me to live for both of us... swear to me!".

Meng Yao turned away and shook her head from side to side.

"No, I can't!!!"

"So, you want me to leave feeling heartbroken?"

"No ...." Meng Yao's tears fell on Xichen's cheek.

"Then swear..." Meng Yao hesitated.

"I... swear to you"

"Then I can leave in peace" His voice became quieter and in a whisper .

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