The kissing thief

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Lan Xichen's Pov

They had left. Wei Wuxian had warned me, this Lan Wangji was intransigent and did not support that one tried to manipulate him! He didn't talk much but he didn't hide anything! He had just proved it!

He was nothing like my brother's relatively gentle character. Meng Yao was right, they were different and I had just been proven right.

"Did I understand what he said?" MingJue asked.

"Xichen, did you know about their... situation?"

"Yes, I was, but as he pointed out, their laws are different from ours and their union, as far as I could tell, was legitimized three years ago. Moreover, as you have seen, Wangji, or should I say Han GuangJun, is used to leading. It would be a mistake to confuse him with my brother. On the other hand, he is right, now that his companions have found him, nothing obliges them to help us. Our war is not theirs. If they managed to come here, they must have the means to leave... nothing is holding them back ".

"You're right, even though I find this relationship really... unacceptable, if we want their help, we're going to have to tolerate it.

"Is there any other way?" asked Jin GuangShan.

"What are you implying, Brother Jin?" questioned MingJue.

"We could force them to obey us! The two younger ones ....

I decided to interrupt him.

"...are constantly under the protection of their elders. And Brother Jin, if they have come, they must be very powerful too. I am thinking of young Master Lan, with fathers like his, he must have been taught well. As for the young Master Jin, it is his uncle Jiang Cheng who raised him and he doesn't look easy! And I'm not talking about their bodyguard...that...fierce corpse!"

I paused to give them time to think about my words. All of us were aware of the events in QingDao and knew the power and peculiarity of Wei Wuxian's powers. Personally, I did not know the strength of the last four arrivals, but I knew that Wei Wuxian considered her husband as the only person who could master it. Even though he was weakened by his wounds, it was clear that his spiritual essence was extremely powerful to have partially healed what should not have been healed, let alone in such a short time.

"Brother Xichen, do you think they will still accept your presence by their side?".

"Brother MingJue, they have never shown any animosity or suspicion towards me since we met, quite the contrary. If I chose not to talk about their relationship and to give them some advice on how to behave regarding it, it was partly to gain their trust and I think I succeeded. As Wei Wuxian suggested, I want to accompany them on their journey to recover the Iron Ying and find out what they want to do with it... Meng Yao could accompany us ... as long as you allow him to! "

I turned to MingJue's right-hand man. He came in front of us and greeted us.

"My Lord, if you will permit, I wish to join them. I would be more useful at their side, so I can observe them and determine their intentions. We can keep you informed of where we are going, although in all likelihood we will be leaving for Gusu and YunShen Buzhi specifically.

"When do you think you will leave?" asked Jin GuangShan.

"Considering Lord Han GuangJun's health condition,... I think not for a few days. Even though he is powerful, his body needs to recover. In 3 nights will be the Guardian Spirit Ceremony, I think we can leave right after."

"Very well, Xichen, Meng Yao, I charge you to inform our guests of our decision."

I got up and went to join Meng Yao. After a quick greeting we left the clan chief's quarters. As soon as we came out, he addressed me.

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