The Shadow Of The Dark (Katherina POV)

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First chapter, hope you like it and yes the girl above is our main character

Mind you this is my first ever book so if the plot get weird, I'm sorry (: enjoy

I was wandering through a dim, icy graveyard, couldn't remember how or when I got there, all I could recall is that I had gone out to the local bar for a couple of drinks with my friends Lillian and Cash for a night of fun, but now I was all alone in the cold with no memory of getting in the middle of the forest in a graveyard but one thing for sure is that Cash and Lillian were nowhere to be found. I felt something, rather someone watching me lurking behind the shadows of the dark.

Chills ran down my spine as the midnight air hit my back then without warning hot breath touched my shoulder,

"Katherina", a voice said with a gruesome dark tone and swayed my long chestnut colored hair off my shoulder with it's long abnormally sharp......

Bloody nails?

I felt the red thick substance trail down to my arm slowly yet steadily , my heart stayed still, not one breath nor movement came from my body. I couldn't bring myself to turn my head let alone run, my fingers that usually twitched made no move to even move a muscle.

"Katherina, will you answer me, or will I have to work a answer out of you" the voice said in a deep playful tone, making me gasp

"how do you know my name", I quickly said

"What was that, my little vixen?" he said while knotting his fingers through my silky soft hair.

"Katherina or shall I say Rina as your drunk mother calls you, I am- how do I say it? "the Lord of hell,"

but you can call me Azathoth or Ashton as the "humans" say it."His voice was no longer dark but silky, calming in a hypnotizing way .

"I have a gun" I lied.u

"And do you really think the God of Death will be affected with a puny human weapon? " he asked letting out a murderous growl.

The sound that came from his mouth was rather human for someone who claimed he was the "God of Hell". I was beginning to think this so-called "Ashton" was mentally ill or just a drunk crackhead so I played into his little game,

"So Ashton, you call yourself the "God of Hell" but why are you so scared to show your face to a frail small human girl, huh" I questioned trying hard to use that bit of bravery I had left.

"Do you think I would let a tiny human girl try to fool me?" He asked.

Damn it,

His rough, hard hand quickly wrapped around my small neck, not giving me time to even scream as his nails dug into my somewhat smooth, olive skin. I caught my breath in a startled gasp of pain.

"Do you take me as a fool!?" He asked with his hands still fixed around my neck.

Without warning he disappeared and as quick as he did he reappeared in front of me in a swift of an heartbeat.

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