chapter 5 the way back home and the start of the academy

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                        Naruto pov

After Inuyasha left I made my way back home. But I made sure to hide my ears and tail. I also put makeup on myself to hide the scars. I used a eye patch to cover up my red eye.

( is what the eye patch looks like)

( is what the eye patch looks like)

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I walked to my house. They opened the door to see my family eating dinner. "There you are where have you been all day?" Mom said I was surprised and angry they forgot me and they dare speak to me like I was just out and about all day. I was chained to a pole for 4 years. "Yes mother I just said he lost track of time" I said. Are you hungry? There's enough food here for you." Mom said " no mother I'm not hungry." I said. I made my way to my room. And shut the door and I looked in the room. It's all dusty. I walked out of the room and grabbed some cleaning products and cleaned my entire room top to bottom. After I was done, I felt uncomfortable my bones and treasure are not here. So I made my way out of the house without anyone knowing. I went to my old home and walked inside. I took out a storage seal and took all the bones and place them in the seal. I took out another storage seal. I put my treasure in the seal. After I was done sealing everything away, the hole just look like a giant hole. When I got back to my room I kept I took out the bones and place them where I want them.( just imagine a place filled with bones from ceiling,walls and floor) then I took my old bed and burned it to ashes. Then I took my treasure and placed it where my bed was. I laid it down on my treasure. But before I could go to sleep. I used a Jutsu to hide the bones and the treasure. The only way it can be dispelled if I pass out. Then I was hungry so I decided to get up and hunt for the night.

               One year later

Today I'm going to be starting the academy. I grabbed my necklace and kissed it" I miss you and iny-kun." Naruto whispered. I went to my closet and opened it. Then I chose my outfits for the day.

                 Naruto's outfits

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

                 Naruto's outfits

                 Naruto's outfits

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


his is Naruto's necklace. And Naruto gave Inuyasha a Golden 1

After I was done getting dressed I walk down stairs. And I made sure to hide my necklace." Good morning Mom, good morning Dad, good morning Mito." Naruto said "good morning son you look beautiful today." Mom and dad said "thank you for your compliment mom and dad" I said.
                       Mito pov

When I got up in the morning I did my morning routine got dressed. I walk downstairs say good morning to my mom and dad and sat down and having some breakfast. "Good morning Mom, good morning Dad "good morning mito" naruto said picture of my mom and dad say he was beautiful. I looked up he was wearing a beautiful dress. I want the dress and I can give her mom and dad to do anything I want. "Hey Mom, Dad can I have that dress Naruto wearing"? I said " hey mito make sure you say please and thank you after you done talkin. Cuz how you spoke to Mom and Dad was very disrespectful. And about the dress I'm wearing, no you cannot have it I bought it myself. So you Mom and Dad do not have any right take my dress." Naruto said. After he said that I was very angry no one can say I can't or can I have. "Hey Mom I'm going to get going now. Want to make it to the academy on time. I'll see you guys after the academy. Hay mito are you coming." Naruto said

             at the Academy

When Naruto and Mito got to the Aconomy. They introduced themselves and start class. Everybody in class was amazed at Naruto's beauty. And his voice sounded like 10  angel singing a lullaby.

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