S1 EP7 - Human For a Day

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Ben was at the DEO, where he'd been all weekend since he lost his powers and underwent testing along with Kara, who was in a similar position, to determine the extent of their power loss. Alex stepped into the med bay with Ben.

Scarlet Spider: Hey, what's up, doc? You figure out the issue with us?

Alex: We've figured out the reason for Kara's power loss. She used up all the solar radiation in her body when she took down Red Tornado.

Scarlet Spider: How does that explain what's going on with me?

Alex: It doesn't. Look, Ben, Kara told me what happened with the Spider-Slayer.

Scarlet Spider: Okay, I lost control. So what?

Alex: She also told me that you were afraid of developing rage due to your... background.

Scarlet Spider: Still doesn't explain why I lost my powers.

Alex: Ben, I can find nothing wrong with you physically. I think the problem may be psychological.

Scarlet Spider: Let me get this straight, I lost my powers because I feel bad?

Alex: Essentially, yes.

Scarlet Spider: Well, how do I get them back?

Alex: That's for you to find out. Whatever's bothering you is blocking your powers. You need to take the day, try and figure things out.

Scarlet Spider: That's it?

Alex: That's it.

The two left the med bay and met up with Kara in the command center.

Alex: This happens to Superman too, Kara. He looses his powers for a couple of days, right?

Supergirl: Yeah, but it's been two days and I don't feel any different.

Alex: You're just stir-crazy because the DEO has been testing you all weekend. Now you get to go out in the real world and see what it's like to be human for a day.

Hank: Might learn a thing or two about what it's like for the rest of us.

They turned to see Hank behind them.

Hank: How are you feeling?

Supergirl: Fine. I guess... If this is what fine feels like now.

Scarlet Spider: I feel like I'm 15 again. But not in the energetic, 'new lease on life' way. I mean in the way that I have 20/100 vision and asthma. Speaking of which, I need an inhaler or I will die before I leave the building.

Alex tossed him an inhaler.

Scarlet Spider: Thank you.

Alex: They were just heading to work. I was just going to walk them out.

Hank: I'm off to deal with an unruly guest. Might need your help with him when you're done.

Alex: Happy to, sir.

Hank left the trio.

Supergirl: Nice. I'd have no idea you suspect him of anything.

Alex: I have to play it that way until I find out whether or not he was involved in Dad's death.

Supergirl: Do you really think he's involved? You've served with Hank for years.

Alex: And all that time, he never told me Dad was an agent here at the DEO. Or that they were together when Dad died. Everything Hank has said to me has been a lie. I can't trust him anymore, Kara. I... I know he's hiding something.

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