S1 EP4 - How Does She Do It

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While episode 4 is actually "Livewire", I'm doing this episode first as it was actually supposed to air first, but was switched with Livewire due to the November 13th terror attacks in Paris. So, in order for the episodes to make sense, I've put this one first.


Ben swung through the city next to Kara as they went on patrol.

Scarlet Spider: So, it turns out that James's ex, Lucy, is actually Major Lucy Lane with the army's JAG Corps.

Supergirl: She's an army lawyer?

Scarlet Spider: Makes sense. The Lanes are a military family. All except Lois.

Supergirl: So basically she's a badass hottie?

Scarlet Spider: I never said badass hottie. She just happens to be a badass that is also... relatively attractive.

Supergirl: So, I've got no chance?

Scarlet Spider: I didn't say that. You are more of a badass than her. I mean, you're literally Supergirl.

He looked over at Kara to see a red light on her arm.

Scarlet Spider: What's that?

Kara looked down at it and checked around to see that it was coming from a high-speed drone following them. She flew after it, taking it out with her heat vision. Ben dropped down to the piece that had landed on the ground and picked it up.

Scarlet Spider: Who sent this thing?

Supergirl: Who do you think?


At the DEO, Kara placed the piece down on the table.

Supergirl: Thought I'd return this to you. I thought we were clicking.

Hank: Okay...

Supergirl: People who click don't spy on each other! I don't like being followed.

Hank: If I were following you, Ms. Danvers, you would never know about it. This is... not one of ours.

Supergirl: Then whose is it?

Alex: There's no markings. I've never seen tech like this before...

Hank: Alien origin? Could be your aunt, Astra.

Scarlet Spider: No, it's a human design, just a very advanced one. Whoever made this is very nearly as smart as me.

Supergirl: That thing was like trying to swat a fly in a tornado.

Hank: If someone's targeting one of my assets, I want to know who it is. We'll handle this.

He took the piece and walked off.

Alex: You can trust him, Kara.

Supergirl: I hope you're right.


Ben walked through the streets as he tried to make a phone call. The call went to voicemail.

Manny: <Hey, this is Manny, I definitely have something better to do than be on the phone to you otherwise, I would have picked up. Leave a message, I probably won't listen to it.>

Ben: Hey, Manny, it's Ben. Ben Parker. Your best friend. Anyhow, this is the third year in a row since you left for Europe and have been dodging my calls. God, I hope you didn't die and nobody told me.

Ben's spider-sense went off.

Ben: Sorry, gotta go.

He hung up the phone and an explosion occurred in a nearby building. Ben ran into an alley to get changed into his costume. He swung out and crashed through a window to get into the building. Kara arrived as he was helping with the evacuation.

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