S1 EP1 - Pilot

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Spider-Man traversed through the broken-down lab of Dr. Miles Warren AKA the villain known as the Jackal.

Spider-Man: If I'd have known it'd be chilly in supervillain lairs when I started, then I would've added insulation to the suit.

He got to a busted computer terminal where he looked through all the files of the genetic experiments that had been performed through the years when he noticed something unusual. One of the projects was still active. He read the details of the project.

Spider-Man: "Subject is a genetic clone synthesized of DNA gained from the Spider-Man." Jackal was making a clone of me? I don't know whether I should be flattered or grossed out.

He tracked its position in the building and followed the trail until he reached a room full of pods with only one of them lit. He walked up to the pod, the glass was so fogged up that he couldn't see inside. Spider-Man looked around for the control panel and began to mess with the buttons until the pod opened. The fog departed and the fluid inside drained. Spider-Man couldn't see anything in the pod but then he started to hear crying, the crying of a baby. He looked down and saw the newborn on the ground. Spider-Man picked him up.

Spider-Man: Hey there, little guy. You're supposed to be me? That's only a little insulting.

The baby laughed.

Spider-Man: You know what? I think I have the perfect home for you. That is as long as MJ doesn't freak out too much.

Spider-Man walked out of the lab with the baby in his arms.



Ben Parker walked through the streets carrying a folder that had some photos that he had taken for CatCo. He entered the bottom floor of the building. The elevator doors were closing and he rushed to them.

Ben: Hold the elevator!

The doors closed in his face.

Ben: Guess I'll use the stairs.

He continued up many flights of stairs until he reached the main office of the building. Ben walked through to outside Cat Grant's office.

Winn: Ben, hey man, how you doing?

Ben: It's been a hell of a week. I had to make arrangements for my Aunt Gayle to go to Florida for some reason.

Winn: She made you do that?

Ben: Yeah, like she doesn't have two very unemployed sons with more free time on their hands who could help her.

Winn: Yeesh.

Kara Danvers came out of Cat Grant's office.

Kara: Hey, Ben.

Ben: Kara. She available?

Kara: Uhh... I guess so.

Ben: Good enough. What kind of a mood are you getting off of her? I need to know which kind of photos I need to suggest.

Kara: Stressed. Fed up with humans who aren't her.

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