S1 EP3 - Fight or Flight

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Ben entered CatCo where every screen was showing the breaking news that Supergirl had revealed that Superman was her cousin. He walked over to her desk.

Ben: Not a great choice of conversation when talking to the "Queen of All Media."

Kara: I didn't mean to tell her, she confused me and that slipped out.

Ben: Of course she did, she's one of the greatest reporters on the planet. That's why you don't do interviews in this line of work.

Kara: Superman does plenty of interviews.

Ben: Yeah, with his girlfriend, Lois Lane. One of the few people who knows Clark's secret.

Kara: Did you just say Clark?

Ben: Uh... no. I have no idea who Superman could be. Could be Clark Kent, could be anyone else. Who knows? I mean, you do, obviously. But I don't.

Cat: Kira!

Ben: Good luck.

Kara went into Cat's office.

Winn rolled over to Ben.

Winn: So, I've been thinking about your suit.

Ben: That makes one of us. What's wrong with it?

Winn: I was just thinking design-wise-

Ben: It's the hoodie, isn't it?

Winn: I hate it so much. Like so, so much.

Ben: The hoodie is what keeps people from thinking I'm Spider-Man. I don't wanna be Spider-Man.

Winn: I'm sure he wouldn't mind it if you did. I mean he is your dad, or template or whatever you call the person you were cloned from. Have you talked to him about-

Ben: No, I haven't. And I'm not going to. And the hoodie stays and that's final.


Ben swung through the city on patrol, when he heard Winn on the comms.

Winn: <Hey, Ben, there's a big pile-up on the highway. Kara's already on her way there.>

Scarlet Spider: On it. Thanks, Winn.

He changed directions to head for the highway.


Ben arrived at the scene to see Kara was already there helping out. He started moving people out of harm's way and getting people out who were stuck. Kara saved a bus driver and put her down on the EMTs' stretcher. Ben felt an immediate danger with his Spider-Sense and so he jumped out of the way, Kara was blasted into the bus by a figure wearing a suit of protective armor.

Scarlet Spider: Sorry! I forgot to warn you about that!

Ben went over and helped her up as the figure landed in front of them.

Supergirl: Who are you?

Reactron: I'm just a ghost.

Scarlet Spider: Not helpful, buddy.

Supergirl: What do you want?

Reactron: I want the Man of Steel to suffer. I want him to know what it feels like to lose everything. Starting with you.

He charged up a blast. Ben pulled Kara out of the way before it hit. However, he launched another one that neither managed to dodge.

Scarlet Spider: Ouch. That's definitely packs a punch.

Kara sped over to him and began fighting him in close combat. He managed to hit her with a charged punch. Ben made his way over and jumped on his back as he tried to web his arms together to stop him from using his blasts.

Supergirlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें