S1 EP5 - Livewire

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Ben sat in his apartment with Chewbacca the cat.

Ben: Well, Chewie, looks like it's just you and me for Thanksgiving once again this year.

He heard a knock at his door.

Ben: Probably the pizza.

Ben walked over and opened the door. Behind it was Ben's brother, Rick.

Ben: Nope!

He slammed the door shut. Rick continued knocking.

Rick: Ben, let me in.

Ben: Why are you here, Rick?!

Rick: It's Thanksgiving.

Ben: Exactly! You always spend Thanksgiving with Mom. And I stay here where no-one is disappointed in me.

Rick: Well, I'm here this year.

Ben opened the door.

Ben: What do you need? Can't be money because I have none. Not a place to stay because I live in the cheapest apartment my money can rent.

Rick: God, your life is tragic. No, I'm just here for Thanksgiving.

Rick stepped into Ben's apartment.

Ben: Please, come in.

Rick: Man, this place is crap.

Ben: By all means, leave.

Rick: Look, we gotta talk about this "Scarlet Spider" thing.

Ben immediately took out his phone and pretended to take a call.

Ben: What's that, Ms. Grant? I'm needed at CatCo immediately? Well, I'm on my way.

Rick: Ben...

Ben: Hang on, it's a conference call now, too many people speaking, can't talk.

Ben jumped out the window and swung himself onto the roof. He then saw a text from his mom saying "btw your brother's coming to visit."


Ben went into the office and pulled up a chair at Winn's desk. He had one earphone in and Ben put in the other.

Ben: What are we listening to?

Winn: Alive and Wired with Leslie Willis.

Ben: The shock jock in the basement?

Winn: Yep.

Ben: I have no idea why Ms. Grant keeps her around.

The broadcast started.

Leslie: {This is Leslie Willis, coming to you alive and wired from CatCo Plaza. The week of Thanksgiving which means... it is time for my annual list of Things I Am Not Grateful For, and this year's list is only one item, Supergirl.}

Ben: Oh, God. Here we go.

Leslie: {The blue-and-red abscessed tooth in the otherwise gleaming smile that is National City. How much do I despise, I mean loathe, her whole, "look at me, I'm adorkable" thing. And that hideous, like, rejected-from-the-Olympics figure skating outfit she wears? I mean, a skirt and tights? Puh-lease.}

Winn: I'd like to see her design a bulletproof supersuit.

Ben: You make a great costume, Winn.

Winn: Thank you.

Leslie: {Seems like overkill, especially since no one is trying to get in there. And who would that be? You know, who's hombre enough to puncture the Chastity Belt of Steel? Or is what's required a softer touch? I mean, she does kind of give off a Sapphic vibe, with that big ol' butch "S" chest plate. I mean, how would that even work with an alien? I mean, is everything the same down there, or are we talking tentacles? Maybe it's time for a break. Or a makeover. Actually, let's talk about her side piece now. The Spider-Man knock-off.}

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