17. Screwed

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Leah's POV

The ride back home was really......

Silent ~ 

After reaching home, we both simply went to our room . Guess we were too tired to argue . 

The next morning arrived . 

Ahh... I hate Mondays but i hate school more than Mondays . Humm.. i think it's because of schools only that i hate Monday . My monday is innocent . 

After procrastinating for 15 minutes i decided not to go to school at all . I texted Layla that i won't be coming . Then , I went back to sleep again . 

It's not like not going to school for one day is gonna kill me . 

*Thak* *tank* 

Humm... Looks like someone's downstairs . Could be Mr. Gorgeous . But it's still 2 hours before school ends . 


A Burglar ?

Oh shit ! 

I grabbed the metal rod i had in my room . 

You must be wondering why do i have a metal rod in my room . It's because I'm a paranoid person . I'm prepared for everything . Even if a flood comes suddenly, I'm prepared for that ! I can survive unless, i run out of food and water . 

I took my mobile phone with emergency number dialed in it. 

It's better to be safe than sorry . 

I walked down the stairs as silently as i could . 

After reaching the end of the stairs . I could hear the voice of a man and a woman . 

Huh? These voices sounds familiar . 

It's dad and Charlotte voice . But they weren't supposed to be back before Tomorrow . 

I got closer to the door . So, i could hear them more clearly . 

" What will you do now Jack ? " 

" What will i do ? Ofcourse i won't let Leah go anywhere . I don't know why she's suddenly behaving like this ."  Won't let me go anywhere ? But I'm not going anywhere . 

" But she needs her Jack ! " Who needs me ? 

" I also need her . She's my life . "  Awww that's my dad .

" But she's her mother Jack . " 

" I'm her father and she's my daughter ! ." 

" But you can't change the fact you aren't her real father . " 

(Picture source - Before we knew it )

(Picture source - Before we knew it )

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