11. Fell

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"On you Mark ! 3...2...1 GO !"

Few minutes later .....

Ah ! these silly races . It's our P.E class . I don't know why are they making us innocent kids run . 

"Come on Leah ! You can do it !!" Layla said . 

You're on your second lap while I haven't even completed my first lap .

Meanwhile boys are playing football . 

"Omg he's so cool !" 

"Come Suho ! Go for it !! " yah ... Suho . Most popular boy of our class . He used to sit behind me on our first year of high school . 

Looks good but Mr. Gorgeous looks much better . 

Why are they making girls run and boys play football ? Does that make any sense . Well it's not like i would like to play football instead of running , still... I'm angry ! Where's equality? I don't want to run ! I want freedom of doing whatever i like during P.E .

"Hey Leah ! Look there , don't you think Killian can only compete with Suho for being the most handsome one . I mean both looks good ...but only one can win . "

"Yah ... But what's the point? Mr. Gorgeous looks much better"

"Look there " and then i made one of my stupidest mistake by looking there . 

Suho just kicked the football into the goal . And all the girls started screaming . I've to admit that they have enough energy to scream even after running so much . 

After kicking the goal Suho looked towards the girls screaming . And among them i was aslo present . I don't why ... but his eyes connected mine . 

He winked . 


Wtf ! I gotta break the eye contact !

I looked towards the windows of the school building . Then another eyes connected mine ... 

It was Mr Gorgeous ... He was looking through the windows  . 


Wtf ! I gotta break the eye contact ! 

I looked ahead and due to the sudden movement my feet got interlocked with each other and my worst nightmare happened.

I fell . 

"Leah ! Are you ok !?" Layla came towards me running . 

No ofcourse I'm not . I fell in front of all these people . Everybody's looking at me . Ahhhhhhhhhhh the amount of embarrassment i feel right now is imeasurable .

I lifted my head and looked towards the windows . 

Mr. Gorgeous was talking to some girl . Should i be sad that he's talking to someone else while i fell or... Happy that he didn't saw me falling . 

"Can you stand up Leah ? " Layla said . 

"Ahh!" I tried standing but , i fell again . Great! Looks like today is my falling day . 

" My ankle... It hurts . " I said to Layla .

" Ohh no ! Wait ... I'll go call a teacher " yeah please . 

" No need . I'll take her to infirmary . " Someone said . 

I looked up and saw Suho . ????

" What !!! Whyyyy???? " I said with the most questionable look . 

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