With one swift breath, I sit up. I move my hands onto my thighs and breathe. Theres no use in crying anymore. Everything I do just makes things worse. I've tried so hard to make things better. This stupid investigation will lead no where, I'm sure. It costed me my brother, another in the hospital. You know what, it'll cost me too.

Now... now this is what it's like to feel numb.
Jason's POV
"Pick up, pick up, pick up." The rings go but no one answers. "Damn it!"

I fight the urge not to throw my phone. What the hell is wrong with me? She is my sister no matter what events happened. How could I tell her she's not my real sister?! I run my hands through my hair, frustrated. I need to call anyone but mom. She'd freak.

I quickly look through my contacts and try to find anyone of use. I have to find her. Mom is not an option. Neither is any of my brothers. I don't need anyone else making it worse. I'd rather deal with everything once I know Lea is safe. Oh Gosh where could she be??

My finger instantly stops at the name "James." What other choice do I have?

Ring..... ring..... ring..... ri-

"Hello?" James answers.

I close my eyes and instantly regret calling. This is so awkward. He probably thinks I want round two with him.

"Why are you calling me?" He questions.

I've stayed silent too long.

"Hey... uh..." I search for the right words. "Lea's gone."

Maybe that wasn't the right choice of words.

"What do you mean she's gone?!" I can hear him start to panic.

I sigh. "I said some things I shouldn't have and she ran off."

"I'm on my way." He says.
We decided to walk around the neighborhood together. I thought we should've split up to cover more ground but then I remembered I never took the time to walk around here like Lea did. James is my only hope to finding her. He knows the place more than I do. I would've gotten lost on my own. Though, that's really hard to admit.

"What did you say to her?" James asks for the millionth time.

"I'm really starting to regret calling you." I answer.

Why can't he just stay quiet and walk? That's the only reason why I called him. It was definitely not to talk.

"Why did you?" He asks.

"You're the only other person who knows the neighborhood." I say. "Trust me, I wish I knew someone else."

"If we can't find her, we're going to have to call the cops." He says. "This isn't like her."

"The cops are not an option. Toby is with my mom and I'm sure he'd get the call that she's missing. I don't want anyone else involved." I answer. "Now can you please, shut up and look for her."

We stay silent and look away from eachother. This is too uncomfortable. More uncomfortable than when I was stuck in the Uber with Lea. I really wanted to talk to her then. We shared a sibling look when we realized who our Uber driver was. I felt so at peace... only for a moment. For a moment, it was normal. And then my stubborn ass ruined it. I should've talked to her like a normal person. This wasn't any of her fault. Especially Christian. Why would I think to say that?!

"What did you say to her for her to run off?" James stops on his tracks. "I'm not taking another step with you until you tell me. I'll be more than happy to look for her myself."

I turn around and give him a tired look. Maybe a mix of annoyance as well. How could Lea like someone like this? He's too persistent.

"She found out she's my half sister." I confess.

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