The Book (BTS Jungkook)

Start from the beginning

"Yes, I thought that you still talked to him since you both live in the same city now," She tried to gauge your reaction.

"No, we don't. Besides, we're both busy with our jobs which reminds me that I should sort some things here for when I return permanently," You said, trying to divert the topic.

"I was talking to his mother the other day. You 2 would look so good together!" She gushed.

"Mom, stop. There's nothing like that between us. Besides, I think he has a girlfriend," You said, trying to destroy her idea.

"No, he doesn't. He broke up with her. I don't think it was that serious anyway. He would've brought her home if that was the case," She had many hopes, but you knew that it wouldn't work out. You knew that Jungkook didn't feel that way about you.

"Whatever, what we do isn't that important right now. Let's go to a movie tonight. It's been so long since we've gone to the theatre." You once again tried to divert her attention.

"Yes, we should! There's this new movie out recently," Your sister butted in. You glared at her, sending a silent message of how she should've at least tried to save you. She winked and babbled on about her school.

The 2 days had gone by like a flash, and you were back to work once again. You decided to return the book in the evening as you didn't have the time to return it in the morning. You had already called the librarian to inform the same. You were very close to her, courtesy of your frequent visits. The librarian, Matsumi, was a kind old lady and always treated you well.

"This is getting annoying. Why aren't they returning it yet? I thought it was supposed to be returned 2 days ago!" You heard someone whine to Matsumi. That person sounded angry. Your guilt came back full force. The voice sounded familiar, but you brushed it off.

"Don't worry, dear. She had a family emergency, and she told that she would return it today," She tried to console the guy. "Oh, look! She's here," She said, glancing your way.

"I'm so sorry-" The guy glanced your way, and you were shocked to see Jungkook. "Jungkook?!"

"Oh! Y/N!" He stood up. All of his anger seemed to have dissipated.

"I'm so sorry, Jungkook," You regained your senses and started apologizing, "I wasn't in town for 2 days. I'm sorry!"

"It's fine, Y/N. I've heard about your mom. Is she alright?" Jungkook looked concerned now.

"Yeah, she's fine. She just wanted to see me, is all," You glanced around nervously.

"I can relate to that," He laughed.

"Oh, looks like you already know each other," She glanced at Jungkook, "You're not so angry now, are you?" She wiggled her eyebrows as if she knew something you didn't.

"It's just that I was a little excited for it," He said nervously, "I wasn't angry!"

"I was actually feeling guilty knowing that a few people were waiting for it..." You mumbled.

"Forget about that. It's been a long time since we talked. And you rejected all my attempts to talk to you," He averted his eyes. Shortly after he started working, he got a girlfriend, and you didn't want to bother him anymore, so you didn't talk to him. Now you felt guilty. You were good friends before. "We have a lot to talk about." He dragged you out.

"Jungkook! The book!"

"Later," He laughed.

You both went to a cafe nearby. It wasn't awkward like you thought. The conversation flowed really well. In no time, you were caught up to things in your lives.

"So, I heard that you're moving back," You said, sipping your latte.

"So are you, aren't you?"

"How did you know?" You got surprised.

"Word travels fast, mom told me in the morning," He said cheekily. "And yes, I'm moving back. I always wanted to stay there, but it was better here then, but now I have a chance to go back, so I'm going by the end of this month."

"I'm moving back for the same reason. I talked with my superiors a few days ago. It's confirmed. It might take longer, though. I'll probably shift by next month."

"That's great!" He finished his coffee and suddenly looked nervous. "Listen, I-... I need to tell you something. Now or never," He mumbled the last part to himself.

"I... I like you. I've liked you for a long time." He sighed and looked into your eyes. "If I didn't tell you this now, then I'd never be able to move on."

"What do you mean? You had a girlfriend, right?" You were shocked, more than shocked, but you tried not to show it. If he liked you for a long time then what about his girlfriend?.

"I did, but that was because I knew that I didn't have a chance with you. So, I-"

"Wait! How did you decide that you didn't have a chance with me?" You cut him off. You were getting your hopes up at this point.

"You always talked about this senior we had at university, so I thought you liked him..." He mumbled.

"Oh, God! No! I just liked him as a friend and a mentor. Damnit, you should've told me this long ago. We could've been together now!"

"Wait, what?" He blinked.

"Don't you get it? I like you too." You said nervously. "We were really close, so I thought you'd have issues with your girlfriend. I distanced myself instead..." You looked away.

"You shouldn't have done that, you idiot! If she has issues with you being close with me, she can break up with me. There's no way I'd choose her over you or anyone for that matter." You blushed.

"So... what were you saying about having an extra ticket to the new movie?" You had already seen that movie, but he doesn't have to know that.

"Oh yeah! This weekend. Will you go with me?" He asked nervously.

"Is that a date?"

"No, it's not," He smirked. "We'll go as friends." He looked smug.

"Oh well, your loss then. There's this other guy who asked m-"

"It is. It is!" He exclaimed. "Now tell me who this guy is." He looked serious now. You laughed.

"There's no one, Jungkook," You laughed louder, looking at his red face. Your laugh was contagious, he joined in.

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